Chapter Twenty

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"Okay, we're going to have six people in a cabin. So just... get into groups of six." Ms White shouts over all the noise at the train station. Bucky, Steve and I just look around to try to spot another group of three to join up with. Even though there's only one, there are only twelve people in the class. So there's only going to be two groups

"Over there," I say as I point to a group of nerds a few meters away. And when I mean nerds, I mean nerds. I mean I can't really say much I'm addicted to books as well, but I'm just a book nerd.

"Okay..." Bucky sighs as we make our way over to them "Hey, could we join up?" Bucky asks them, one of them with; you guessed it, glasses and trouser braces look at us.

"Well, I guess three plus three is six. So sure." He says and I can see Bucky physically trying his hardest not to roll his eyes.

"Thank you," Steve says with a smile and the three of them nod their heads and go back to talking in their group.

"This is going to be a fun trip." I sarcastically say with a laugh and Bucky groans and rolls his eyes.

"You has to pick this group to go with?" He says and I just smirk at him,

"Well, I didn't see you looking for a group to join up with Barnes." I shoot back and he gives me a sarcastic smile.

"Look, guys. Maybe there nice." Steve says trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. Bucky and I just give him a look.

"I admit Stevie-" A sound of a train stops me and we all turn around to see a big black steam train comes down the track with thick black smoke blowing out of the pipe.

"Our ride awaits us." I chuckle slightly and Bucky rolls his eyes at my sentence.

"Everyone, in your groups of six please." Ms White again shouts over all the noise of all the crowd getting on and off the trains.

As Bucky, Steve, the three other guys and myself wait for Ms White to give us the clear to get on the train we all stand in awkward silence. Thankfully she comes to us second so we're not in more of an uncomfortable situation.

"So, this is the group of six?" She asks as she writes down all our names on a piece of paper.

"Yes, Miss," Steve says and she smiles and gives us a nod.

"Okay, you can all board but stay near the other group." We all nod our heads at her answer and step into the train and sit in the cabin next to the first group.

This is going to be the most awkward hour of my life.

I mentally face plant myself for picking this group to sit with. I lean my head against the cold window to try to keep my mind off the situation at hand, but instead at the cold glass of the window.

After ten or so minutes, we hear the sound of the train and a small jolt before the train starts to move farther and farther from the station.

The awkwardness in the cabin is high. Super high. No one has said a word after fifteen minutes of us travelling. And those fifteen minutes were painfully slow.

"You like to read?" One of the guys says trying to break the tension, as I look up at him I rely it's the guy who has an obvious crush on me. Every time he talks to me his cheeks heat up a bit and he sits in front of me in Maths.

"Pardon?" I ask opening my eyes and lifting my head off the cold window to look at him.

"I asked if you like to read books?" He asks me again and I slightly nod my head.

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