Chapter Four

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Bucky's POV

It's been nearly two months since Cassie joined Steve and our little duo. It's more like a trio now. She still hasn't met Steve Ma or my family yet but we'll do that later on. Right now we're in Mr Smiths shitty English class. But he still hasn't arrived yet.

"What are you reading?" I ask Cassie who sit in between Steve and me,

"Hmm?" She hums as she lifts her head from her book, "Sorry I didn't hear you." She says sheepishly,

After these two months of hanging out with Cassie, you could say I've grown a tiny little crush on her. It's not my usual, flirting with girls thing I do. No. No, this is a crush. But I'm not going to admit it,

She probably doesn't even have the same feelings. Right?

"Earth to Buck," Cassie says with a small giggle and Steve has a smile on his face as he looks over at us.

"Hmm?" I hum at her, and again she does that adorable giggle,

"I guess I'm not the only one not listening." She says as her giggles turn into a chuckle,

"Okay, everyone settles down." Mr Smith says as he walks in with papers under his left arm. Everyone runs to their seats and sits down,

"Okay, so like for every one of my sophomore years. I'm doing a play, it will be performed at the end of the year and everyone will take part. Even if it's only helping set up the stage." Mr Smith says and people even cheer or groan.

"What play are we doing." One of the girls says as she has her hand raised,

"Beauty and the beast." Mr Smith says and I can see a smile grow on Cassie's face,

Cassie's POV

"You like that book?" Bucky whisper in my ear, I can feel his warm breath on my neck,

I can feel the goosebumps on my neck. I look over at him and nod my head vigorously, as I bit my lip to keep my excitement at bay.

"So I'm hanging around a sheet. I want you to write your name on the sheet and beside your name I want you to put down either 'audition' or 'set'. You only put down set if you don't want to audition, but you need to be able to do something to help with the play." Mr Smith explains and hands a sheet to one of the boys in the front row,

People start to talk to each other about what they're going to do, Bucky turns to Steve and me, "What you are guys putting down?" He asks both Steve and me.

"Set." Both Steve and I say in unison and we share a glance and turn to Bucky, "what about you?" Steve asks Bucky.

"Audition, I can't do anything behind the scenes. I'm not the best at art, I can't make costumes and I'm not doing heavy work so I'm just going to audition." He explains as the sheet is handed to him and he writes his name down and 'audition' beside it.

He hands the sheet to me and I see most of the people in my class are going for an audition but only one or two- all-boys- put their names down for a set.

After writing my name I pass the sheet to Steve and he writes his name and set it besides it. Mr Smith walks down and takes the sheet off Steve and reads down the list.

"So four out of sixteen people want to work behind the scenes." Mr Smith explains to the class,

The reason I put my name down for set is that one. I can sew I they need people to sew costumes. Two. Beauty and the Beast is a French book, not English. So it won't make sense if an English person plays French. Not that anyone in my class will get rid of their Brooklyn accents for a French one. And three. I don't want anyone to get suspicious of my 'stage face'. After eight years being at the circus, you learn how to get a quote on quote 'stage face'. It's really just knowing how to force a smile and what emotion to show when.

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