Chapeter Seventeen

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"We need a plan," I say to Steve as we wait for Bucky to meet us at the school entrance.

"We do? For what?" He asks confused as he looks over at me,

"When is Bucky's Birthday?" I ask him and he thinks for a second,

"...The 10th of March?" He says not fully convinced, I give him a 'really' face.

"What?" He asks me as I lean up against the wall behind me,

"You don't even remember your best friends birthday?" I ask him with a smirk that I can't keep down, as Steve just sighs.

"Look, what date is it...? Nearly March. That's all I know. We need to get him a present. And what better way then to put our money together and used that money for a present." I explain and Steve nods his head,

"That's a good plan. But uhm. Today's February 27th." He tells me as he looks back at the dirt path past the gate to try to see Bucky coming in a grey morning like this.

"Well, this year there's no leap year so we don't have an extra day." I say and Steve shrugs his shoulders, "Do we even know what to get him?" I ask and a smirk grows on his face.

"A date with you and him." He says and I hit his arm playfully, he sniggers at my actions and rubs my arm where I hit it.

"Seriously. What are we going to get?" I but with a smile on my face,

"Have you ever been to Coney Island?" He asks me,

"Coney... what? I believe not." I say and Steve just smile,

"Then it's settled. We get tickets for Coney Island and go there for Bucks birthday." He says and I think for a second.

"And where are we going to get the money for that. And more importantly, where are we going to get the tickets for that?" I ask as I look back at Steve, he opens his mouth to talk but frowns his eyebrows.

"I have no idea." He says and I think for a second.

"And where about's in Coney Island?" I ask and he smiles at me,

"An hours train ride from Brooklyn." He tells me and I nod my head in understanding,

"Well, a train ticket from Queens to Brooklyn is about 15c if I remember. So it can be more than that to get to Coney Island." I say and Steve nods his head,

"When we get there we'll figure it out. We have another couple of weeks left he says and before I could answer I hear a familiar voice,

"Hey. You two." Bucky's voice says as Steve and I look over to the gate and see Bucky jumping over the gate not walking around it.

"You know, it's a gate you can push and also pull. You don't have to jump over it." I say and that leads Bucky to roll his eyes at me.

"Whatever you say, doll." He says and my heart aches at the adorable nickname. I just smile at him.

"Well, did you guys do the English homework?" Steve asks and Bucky and I freeze,

"There was English homework?"


Three weeks later {10th of March}

"Okay, so why did we meet at the train station, for my birthday?" Bucky asks and Steve and I grin from ear to ear.

"Just you wait," I say as I hand three tickets to the guy at the door,

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