Chapter Six

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"Elizabeth, would you mind telling me what you're doing?" Ms Robins asks me as I sit on a round couch like a chair in the empty boutique,

Since Ms Robins found out my name is Elizabeth Cassandra Carter. She's been calling me Elizabeth. Of course, she asked if I mined her calling me that. Surprisingly I said no, I still don't mind I think it just shocked me says I don't mind her calling me that.

"For my school play, I'm assigned to make the costumes," I say before I go back to sewing Ms#s Pots white dress.

"Well do you mind me asking, what's the play?" She asks politely as she starts to fold some velvet dresses.

"Beauty and the Beast," I say as I look up at her with a smile on my face,

"I'm guessing you've read the book?" She asks me with an eyebrow raised,

"Yes," I say sheepishly and she turns around to me with her hands crossed over her chest,

"Do be ashamed of reading. It's good, brings your imagination up." She says with a soft smile as she goes into the kitchen,

She comes out with a sweeping brush and leaves it against the front counter, "I'm heading out Elizabeth, have a good night." She says as she walks to the front door with the shop keys in her hand.

"Good night Mr Robins. Have a good too." I tell her with a smile and she returns the gesture and walks out of the shop and proceeds to lock the door,

"Who knew sewing Mrs Pots dress would be hard?" I mutter to myself as I shake my head and continue to sew the dress.

After another few hours, I look at the large grandfather clock by the counter and see it at 11:47 pm. "God, I've been up longer than expected," I mutter to myself again as I fold the dress neatly and place it on the couch and start to sweep the floor.

The Next Morning

"And what colour would you like the dress?" I ask as I write down the last measurement of a woman's dress,

"Yellow, velvet." She says and I give her a small smile and nod, I walk back over to the woman,

"If would you give this to the woman at the front desk. She'll get the price for your dress." I say as I hand the woman the size measurements, she gives me a nod and walks away,

I start to clean up the area I was working at, but when I hear a dingle I know that I either have to measure another person or help them find their dress or suit that's here.

It is Saturday on the 15th of October. I've be been in Brooklyn for two months and kept my secret hidden for that long. I should pat myself on the back, but I've also made a lot of lies with my life before coming to Brooklyn.

At some point, Steve and Bucky are going to get suspicious of all my lies. I try to not think about what they will say and react like when they figure out.

I was pulled out by my thoughts by someone calling my name "Cassie. Earth to Cassie." I voice from behind me says, I turn around to see Bucky and Steve standing with a skinny blond woman,

"Buck, Steve. What are you doing here? How did you find out I work here?" I ask them completely forgetting the woman beside them,

"We came here with my Ma," Steve says as he points to the blond woman beside him.

"Oh sorry, ma'am. I didn't see you there" I say, as I look at her,

"It's no problem. But you must be Elizabeth Carter, Steven was telling me about." She says as she places a soft hand on Steve's shoulders,

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