Chapter Twenty-Four

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4th of July

Cassie speed walks through the town of Brooklyn on my way to Bucky's house. The three friends agreed that they'd meet at Bucky's house, and get a taxi from his house to his aunts and uncles.

"Get your fruit and veg here."

"Get your flowers here."

"Get your newspaper here."

"Get your hot food here."

Get your pastries here."

That is all that can be heard during the busy rush hour of Brooklyn. Cassie starts to pick up the paste as she noticed she's running behind time.

As she paces down the street she noticed a post boy cycling her way. Her quick reflexes help her to snatch a paper unknowingly to the boy, and grasping it tightly in her hand.

Running into Bucky's neighbourhood, readjusting her bag in her shoulder. She reaches Bucky's door and doing a double knock and walking in.

As she shut the door behind her she felt petite hands wrap around her. And without looking down she already knew who it was "Hey Becca Bear." Cassie says as she scoops the small brunette girl up and balances her on her hip.

"Cassy was. I didn't think you were coming." The new six-year-old chirps up with a grin from ear to ear.

"And why's that Becca Bear?" The wavy-haired redhead says as she walks into the kitchen with her bag on her shoulder, newspaper in hand and a young girl on her hip.

"Well, you don't have to worry. I'm here now." Cassie reply's as she set the brunette down on the ground and the newspaper on the table.

"Hey, Cass," Steve says as he walks into the kitchen with Bucky trailing close behind him.

"Hey, doll," Bucky says with a smile and she smiles at her two best friends back.

"Hey, you two." She says with a smile, Oh and I brought it." She looks over to Bucky and he gives her a nod.

"Okay, Steve, Cass and I... put our money together... to get you something for your birthday," Bucky says with a smirk dancing on his lips,

"Guys you really didn't have to..." Steve trails off giving them both a look,

"Oh shut it. Here you go. Open it." Cassie says with a slight bit of her lower lip to fight down the grin.

~Two days early~

"So what do we get Steve for his birthday?" Bucky says as he and Cassie walk down the streets of Brooklyn.

"You've known him longer. I should be asking you the question." Cassie scolds him and he grunts at her answer.

"You're not helping," Bucky says annoyed as the two continue to walk.

"Wait." Cassie says as she holds a hand out to stop him, "What does Steve like?" She asks but before Bucky can answer she answers it. "Art."

"So what are you saying?" Bucky says confused with a brow in the air.

"You're really not catching on, are you?" Cassie rolls her eyes at her friends standing clueless in front of her. "We get him some art equipment. Like... sketchbooks or maybe charcoal pencils? I don't know?" Cassie explains and Bucky looks at her like she's crazy.

"I didn't know we lived in Manhattan." He sarcastically comments which lead Cassie to roll her eyes.

"Have you seen the price of those types of things?" Bucky asks dumbfounded and Cassie shrugs.

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