Chapter Sixteen

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"Welcome back everyone." Mr Smith my English teacher says as we walk into the classroom.

"Good to see you too sir." Some of the students say out but I'm too stuck in my new book to hear what's being said.

"-Okay, does everyone understand?" Mr Smith says and I look up from my book to see everyone nod their head and taking out a piece of paper and a pencil.

"What are we doing?" I whisper to Bucky we sit beside me,

"I have no idea. Wasn't listening. I'm guessing you weren't either." He says and I shake my head,

"What are we doing?" I whisper to Steve my other side,

"You weren't listening?" He asks disappointment and annoyance laced in his voice,

"No, I was listening. I was just wondering we, testing you know?" I sarcastically say and Steve rolls his eye. As a grin forms on my face.

"We have to write about a book we read. Can be any book." He tells me and I nod my head and turn to Bucky

"Steve said we have to write about a book we read. Any book." I tell bucky and he nods and smirks at me.

"Of course that won't be a problem to you." He sarcastically says with makes me roll my eyes in return.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever Barnes." I say as I take out a piece of paper and a pencil.

"What book are you going to do?" Bucky asks me and I bite the end of my pencil as I think.

"The Story of Doctor Dolittle. I read it when I was twelve. Also the last book my mother gave me before she died..." I trail off thinking about reading the book.

"Sorry, shouldn't have asked," Bucky said, face full of guilt.

"No, no it's fine. It was an amazing book anyways." I reassure him with a smile added in for good measures.

"Well. Uhm. I haven't really read a book before. Can you give me the recommendation to write about?" He says as he scratches his neck.

"You mean, tell you what happens in a book and then the name of the book?" I whisper back and he grins at me and nods his head.

"Yup." He says popping the 'P.'

"Okay uhm... write down 'The Wizard Of Oz.'. T-H-E space W-I-Z-" I start and Bucky cuts me off.

"Okay, okay. I know how to spell." He jokingly says. Which makes me roll my eyes,

"It's about a young farm girl- her name is Dorothy. She and her dog Toto have been swept away from their house in Kansas to the magical land of Oz. A hurricane was what swept them away." I explain as Bucky writes it down.

"Thank-" Bucky starts,

"You to in the back. Mr Barnes, Ms Carter. Zip it and get your work done." Mr Smith says I just nod my head at him and turn to Bucky.

"Your welcome," I whisper to Bucky with a smile on my face.

I look down at my piece of paper and start to write down the summary of 'The Story Of Doctor Dolittle'.

"Is everyone finished?" Me. Smith says as he looks up from his desk, people start to shout out 'yes' and 'no'. I stay quiet finishing up writing.

"Okay, who would like to go first?" Mr Smith says and some of the class start to put up their hands.

"Sarah." Mr Smith says pointing to her and she Dramatically clears throat and
Looks down at her sheet.

"I'm telling you about 'Beaty And The Beast' funny enough, it's the play we're doing at the end of the year. Which I'm of course staring in-" she says, but Mr Smith cuts her off.

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