Chapter Thirty-Eight

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A yawn left Cassie's mouth as she, Steve, Bucky, and 400 soldiers walked back to Italy.  After Steve rescuing all the soldiers, no way of transport could fit 400 of them, not that he could contact anyone. He broke the machine that helped him contact Peggy or Howard. 

so they were, walking back, some were sitting on the tanks, some had guns in their hands. But most of them trudged alone. "Tired?" Steve asked looking down at the redhead. 

"Very, and surprisingly my ankle isn't hurting me," Cassie said. Most of the Soldiers had their own conversations going,

"Wait, how did you say you hurt your ankle?" Bucky's overprotectiveness came out when it to Cassie getting hurt. 

"Bishop had me running laps of the training room and I tripped and-" Cassie said, glancing down to her bare feet, one still wrapped in a cloth. But it's more of a yellow-grey now. 

"Bishop?" Bucky asked, confused as to who she was talking about. 

"Yeah, remember Mark Bishop? The guy who had a crush on me growing up?" Cassie asked and the two men looked at her shocked and confused. 

"Wait, Mark Bishop as in the Mark Bishop that found out about your past in the circus? That Mark Bishop?" Steve asked and Cassie nodded at him. 

"Thanks the one. Actually, it's Sargent Mark Bishop now. But I still call him Bishop." Cassie laughed shaking her head. 

"Fuck." Bucky muttered looking shocked. 

"We should probably stop here for the night," Steve said looking behind at all the tried soldiers. The soldiers slowly started to stop and sit down in a woodland area, wrapping their jackets around their shivering bodies. 

"Maybe we should light a fire to warm ourselves up." One of the soldiers said, and Cassie looked at him like he was an idiot. 

"Is he being serious?" She asked Bucky who she was leaning against,

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't he be?" A random soldier said to the redhead, she didn't really ask her question quite. 

"Men are such idiots." She sighed leaning lifting her head off Bucky shoulder. "You light  fire right here, we'd be dead in minutes." 

"And why's that, genius?" The first soldier said which made Bucky glare at him. 

"Maybe cause we're in a woodland area. Surrounded by wood, which would catch fire in minutes." She bluntly said,

"Actually didn't think about that." Steve muttered, and Cassie gave him a 'really' face. 

"See, I might be the one to get in trouble the most out of the three of us. But I have the most common sense." Cassie rolled her eye's leaning her head back on Bucky's shoulder and he subconsciously wrapped his arm around her body. 

"Barnes, this the redhead you never shut up about when we were in those retched cells?" One of the soldiers said with a strong Enligh accent that made Cassie's head instantly shoot up,

"Your British?" She said as her face lit up, 

"Wow, she really is childlike." Another laughed with a bowler hat on his head

"You told them I'm childlike?" She asked looking at Bucky who looked at her guilty, 

"Oh, he did." The Brtish one said again, 

clearing his throat Bucky skipped Cassie question, even though he knew she wasn't mad, "Uhm, Cassie this is James Montgomery Falsworth, and yes he is Brtish." He said gesturing to the man 

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