Chapter Nine

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When Halloween rolls around Bucky, Steve and I have agreed to spend the whole day together. Since it's Halloween Robins Boutique isn't opened. So that also means I have to use the back door. Ms Robins gave me a spare key so I can get in and out at any time.

I'm currently standing outside of Robins Boutique waiting for Steve and Bucky, we agreed to meet outside my work. "Hey Gingerbread." I hear a familiar voice to my left.

"Haven't heard that one in a while, Barnes," I say all I look over at Bucky, he gives me a small smirk.

"Well, I like the nickname. Suits you." He says and I chuckle at him,

"Did Steve come with you?" I ask him while looking over his shoulder to see if I can see Steve.

"No. I stopped by his house and he said he'd meet us here. I thought he might be here already." Bucky says and turns around to look behind him, "While we wait for Steve I might as well show you what I got." Bucky says again as he pulls three tickets out of his pocket,

"What are they?" I ask as I take one out of his hand, I look down at it and my mouth opens slightly,

"Movie tickets. It's only a cartoon but it looks good." Bucky tells me and I look up at him.

"How did you get these?" I ask suspiciously, as I squint my eyes at him.

He laughs nervously and scratches the back of his neck slightly. "That's a funny story. Uhm, I. I uhm. Well, how do I say this? I kind of... stole them." He says as he bit down on his lip slightly, when he does that I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"You stole these?" I ask him in disbelief as I hold up the ticket in my hand slightly,

He doesn't reply but still bit his lip and nod his head. "Why didn't you bring me?" I ask him as I pretend to act disappointed.

He laughs at me and takes the ticket from me and puts it in his pocket with the others. "Maybe we should go find Steve. Don't wanna find him in a back ally." Bucky says and I smile at him and nod my head.

He playfully holds out his arm for me and I laugh and roll my eyes but wrap my arm around his. When I do I feel the warmth from his body radiating off him to me.

Bucky and I have gotten closer since I've got to Brooklyn. To a random person, it would look like Bucky and I were dating, but Bucky and I are just extremely good friends.

"Where should we look first?" Bucky asks me as we walk down the side path and still holding onto each other's arms.

"We should walk back to his house. We could find him walking here." I say and Bucky smiles at me as we continue to walk down the street.

Bucky and I were in comfortable silence but after a couple of minutes, Bucky broke it. "Have you noticed that your English accent is starting to come out more now? More than your American accent."

I think for a second "Not really. I just kind of talk and whatever accent comes out, comes out." I tell him and he smiles at me but we both stop walking when we hear grunts and skin hitting skin. We both look down the ally beside us, it's dark and damp.

"Come on. But be careful." Bucky says protectively, he lets go of my arm and surprisingly holds my hand, I mean I'm not complaining,

Why is his hand so soft?!

Is a hand supposed to be this soft? And it's so big in my small one.

As we walk deeper into the ally which was only a couple of meters we hear a familiar voice "I can do this all day."

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