Chapter Twenty-One

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Third Person View

"What sort of people get tattoos?" Mark quietly asks his two best friends as the iconic trio sleep peacefully in their beds.

"Why do you ask such a question?" One if the boys asks as he props himself up by his elbows.

"I'm just curious." Bishop whispers back and the two other boys think for a second,

"The rich." The first boy whispers and looks at the twin bed,

"Uhm... I read somewhere in a book that every big circus employed people with tattoos. And also they tattooed the performers with their logo." The other boy that lay on the twin bed whispers as well.

"So what are you saying." The amber haired boys says as he glances over at the redhead sleeping peacefully on the top bunk opposite him.

"Popular circus tattoo their performers. It's for the history of circus, or something like that." The second boy whispers back again,

"Oh... okay. Well, we should probably get some sleep. It's late. Goodnight." Mark says as he falls back on his bed and rests his head on the soft pillow under it,

"Oh goodnight." The two boys reply, but all that's on Marks mind is about the tattoos.

Popular circuses tattoo their performers. It's for the history of the circus, or something like that.

Is all that runs through Marks before his eyes get to heavy to stay open, and he falls into a deep sleep.

Everyone in the camp is woken by the sound of a carillon ringing loading around the campus. All six teenagers in the second cabin groan at the noise.

"What the fuck is that noise?" Bucky groans as he wraps the pillow around his head to block out the noise.

"What time is it?" Mark asks as he sits up on the top bunk on his and looks at Cassie for an answer.

The redhead slowly flutters her eyes open and props herself up with her elbow. She uses her spare hand to try to comb out her bed head hair.

"Well, it's definitely before ten." She says as she reaches into her bag at the end of her bed and looks at her round golden pocket watch.

"I was right. Half nine." She says and below her the brunette groans again, which makes her laugh.

"It's too early." He replies with and faces the wall as he hugs the pillow to his chest,

"Well, I guess that leaves us with more food. Have a nice sleep buck." Cassie says as she grabs her cloths for the day; amry green shorts and a white long-sleeved shirt. She slides off the top bunk and smiles at her friend.

"You know. This bed is getting kinda uncomfortable. Might have to come with yeah." He says with a cheeky grin on his face which lead his two best friends to roll their eyes.

On the other hand Mark's teeth will soon turn into dust bit how jealous he is at he twos relationship. But the talk he had with a friend the night before comes to mind. And a plan forms in his mind, but he needs to be sure all his facts are true before he can do the plan.

"Okay let's go," Cassie says excitedly as she skips out of the cabin with her cloths tucked under her arms. She makes her way to the restrooms to get changed for the day.

She meets up with bucky and Steve at the main area for breakfast, the three go in and grab a bowl with corn flake and milk and make their way to a table to eat.

"So did you see good last night?" Steve asks Cassie, knowing how much she enjoyed sleeping in a proper bed for a night.

"I sleep amazing." She says as she takes another bite of her food. But not far from the trio sit Mark and his friends, but all Mark is doing is listening to Cassie, Steve and Bucky talk.

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