Chapter Thirty-Nine

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A week after Cassie getting the stitches on her foot, the redhead was walking around again. And to say that getting stitches on the sole of her foot was the worst pain in her line was an understatement. Not only was it painful, but it was also ticklish. 

"So guess what?" Bucky said as he walked into the room Cassie and Peggy shared at the camp. 

setting the book down by her side she smiled at her fiancé, "You're pregnant?" Cassie joked excitedly as Bucky sat beside her on the bed. 

"How did you figure out?" Bucky joked back giving the woman a quick kiss on her forehead. "But all jokes aside, Steve is going somewhere and asked if I'd go with him. And Peggy's going and the guys who you met a week ago." 

"Where is he going?" Cassie looked up at him and he gave her a smirk back

"London." That is all Bucky needed to say to make Cassie light up like a Christmas tree at Christmas. 

"Really, you get to see all my favourite places of when I was younger. But it does rain a bit, so I need to warn-" She was cut off by Bucky's lips pressing against hers, 

"It's the only way to shut you up." He muttered against her lips, "But that's not the best thing. You're coming with up." He watched as her eyes went wide and shock filled her face. 

"I get to go back to England?" She whispered in shock and upset. 

"What is it?" The brunette asked as he noticed her hesitation, 

"I haven't been in England since I was seven. I haven't seen my parents since I was seven. I don't want to think how they'll react when I go back to England." Cassie looked down at her lap as he leaned against Bucky. 

"If you think they'll be mad, they won't. And if they do, their emotions are probably just jumbled up." The brunette man tried to reassure the woman practically in his arms. 

"I hope you're right, Bubba." She whispered trying to stop her brain from thinking of what would happen, 

"Bubba?" Bucky questioned as the redhead lifted her head to look at the man soon to be her husband. 

"You have doll and gingerbread for me. So I needed another nickname other than Buck or Bucky, and bubba came to mind." She said with a childish grin on her face. 

but the thing was, Bucky wasn't even really listening to the girl, he was admiring her adorableness and how childlike she really is. "You're so childish, and I love it." He whispered pressing his lips to her temples, 

 "I am not childish." She stubbornly said with a small pout on her lips. 

"Oh really?" Bucky teases the redhead who playfully glares at him, 

"Yes, really." She said with a nod and Bucky chuckled looking down at her. 

"Okay, whatever you say doll. Now, you need help packing your bags?" 


"Do you really think this was a good idea?" Cassie asked Peggy as the two sat down in Peggy's new bedroom in the base in England, 

"Look, I know your nervous because it's your first time in England since you were seven. But I know it was a good idea." Peggy reassures the redhead with a smile as she unpacks her clothes. 

"I really don't know Peg," Cassie said with a sigh, 

"Look, I need to going soon, but you'll be fine," Peggy said as she gave her older sister a tight hug. 

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