Chapter Thirty

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Laying on her bed, Cassie looks at the stuffed bear that Bucky got her eight years ago. All the fun times she, Bucky and Steve had in the last decade. 10 years, all the things the trio did in 10 years. Get in and out of trouble, all the birthdays, trips to the local park, all the times they spent laugh, crying. Everything. But it all changed when Bucky told Cassie the news that he's joining the war.

at first, she was mad at him. How could he leave her? Especially when he's going to join world war two. But soon realised he was drafted into the war. She wasn't surprised when he finally admitted it to her. After eight years he just got more attracted and just when she thought he couldn't get more muscular, he did. He must have been one of those people who got better looking and fitter over time.

but what surprised her the most was that Bucky told her not to tell Steve, something about being 'a role model' to steve. It's no secret that Steve wants to join the army, after they heard that they were recruiting men for the army, Steve was first to enlist. But not surprising, he didn't get in. But when he found that Bucky was 'joining', he looked up to him.

she got pulled out of her thoughts by a knock at her door, sitting up she placed the bear beside her on the bed "Come in." she called out and Steve poked his head in,

"Hey, I was just coming in to see if you wanted anything to eat." He came in and sat down beside her on her bed,

"I'm fine thank you, Stevie." She sniffled out, she didn't even know she was crying until Steve brought her into a hug,

"He'll be fine, Cass. You know that. Besides he's only in the camp, not in the war just yet." Steve tried to cheer her up, as the two pull apart.

"Yes, but after the camp, he'll be going into the war. What if he gets hurt, or what if he- no I don't even wanna think about him dying." She chokes on another sob, putting her face in her hands.

"Buck's not going to die, Cass and you know that. But if he does get hurt, it won't kill him. He's strong. And you know that." Steve brings her into another hug.

"You don't know that Steve." The redhead shakes her head, pulling away.

"Your right I don't. And neither do you. But we can't think of the worst, cause if we do. It will definitely happen." He tells and she sniffles and nods her head at him,

"Yeah, you're right." She says with a small sad smile.

"Okay, what about this, instead of me cooking, we'll go out and eat at the diner downtown?" The blond suggests, with a raised brow.

"Stevie, we can't afford that." Cassie scolds, and he smiles at her.

"Usually I would be the one telling you that." He laughs, to which she rolled her eyes.

"But what about the bills?" She reminds him, and he smirks at her.

"Paid." He smugly says and Cassie laughs at him,

"Fine," She gets up and offers Steve a hand up and he takes it.

"Okay, let me get ready. I'll be out in a couple of minutes." She says as she shoos him out of her room.

first, she gets one of her good dresses, a black and white poke a dot dress. Cleaning her face with a face cloth in the bathroom, she walks out to the kitchen to see steve getting his jacket off the coat hanger by the door.

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