Chapter Eleven

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"After she died I live another couple of years there. But uhm after a while people only used me. Since I was the youngest and could sew amazingly, I used to fix their costumes. I ran away the next day after you came to see the circus. I came to Brooklyn as it was the cheapest train ticket I click buy. I asked Ms Robins for a job as I could sew, I also told her I ran away from my family and she told me I could sleep on the couch in the kitchen. I've been sleeping here since I came here which was the day before my first day at school." I finish as my shoulders start to shake. As much as I try I can't hold on to soft sobs.

This is what you get.

They're going to leave you here. Never talk to you ever again.

The only friends you have made since Mum died.

She was my only friend here in America. And when she died Steve and Bucky were the first people to be my friends after she died. As I continue to cry I felt a pair wrap around my bunched frame. I didn't care who it was I let go of my legs instantly and wrapped my arms around I'm guessing Bucky's shoulders, and I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.

I felt him rub his hand up and down my back as I continue to quietly sob. After a couple of minutes, I'd calmed down, and I pulled back from Bucky. "Sorry," I whisper and I fall back against the wall and pull my legs to my chest.

Bucky starts to stand up and he gestures to Steve to stand up, I keep my head down but out of the corner of my eyes I can see Steve hesitantly stand up beside Bucky. But neither of them leave they just stand there. I lift my head slowly and look at them. Bucky has his hand extended towards me, I look at him confused.

"Come on." He says and I get even more confused, "Don't wanna get a cold do you?" He asks me and I shake my slightly while looking at both of them. "Then let's go."

"Where?" I ask him quietly if it was during the day you wouldn't be able to hear me. Since it's quiet at night it's barely auditable.

"My house." He says and I hesitatingly grab his hand and he pulls me up, he takes off his jacket again and puts it around my shoulders. I just look at him confused again.

"Why?" I ask him softly and he just shrugs his shoulders,

"You're my best friend. And I'm with you till the end of the line." He says and gives me a warm smile, I look over at Steve and he gives me another smile,

"We don't care where you came from. Like Buck said. We're with you till the end of the line." Steve says and I look between the two.

"Thank you," I whisper and Steve wraps his small arms around me and I feel Bucky wrap his arms around both of us.

"Your welcome, Cassie. But let's go home, it's getting kinda cold." Bucky says and I start to chuckle,

We start to make our way home in silence. It's not awkward but it's not completely comfortable, it's like a slightly tense silence. As I continue to walk to eventually make it back to Bucky's neighbourhood. I'm the first to break the silence.

"Are you sure it's okay with your parents if I say," I say and Bucky looks over at me,

"My parents only care your safe. So, of course, they won't care if you stay. Anyways Steve is staying the night and when he says over we put the couch cushions on the floor. Steve sleep on the floor while I sleep on the other couch. But there's also an armchair." Bucky tells me with a smile and I give him a small sad smile back. My eyes are probably red and puffy.

As we reach his house Bucky grabs the door handle and Steve lets me walk in first. We all take off our shoes and I take off Bucky's jacket and hang it on the coat rack.

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