Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Come on. Keep going." Mark shouts walking back and forward, looking at Cassie do push-ups for the past few minutes. But what's annoying him the most is that the redhead hasn't broken a sweat not once. 

After a few months of being at the place, Mark still hasn't got to humiliate Cassie. He was purposely trying to push her over her edge. But he never seemed to figure out the way to do it. Until this day, an old memory flashed his mind.

"Look, Mark. I don't know if this is you taking your anger out on me. But if it is, I need to tell you, you've only hit the tip of the iceberg of what I used to do at the circus." Cassie laughs, continuing to do press-ups. 

doctors stay around the training room to monitor Cassie heartbeat and other major problems that could go wrong. But the two old classmates push the others aside just try and insult each other. 

the amber haired man grunts at his attempt to tire her out. "Okay, up." He demanded before the redhead stop and push herself again. "Four laps, go." He smirks as the woman in front of him gives him a death glare. 

from their years at school together, Mark realised how much Cassie hated running. It doesn't just tire her out, but she always used to wear shoes that made her trip up. And luckily for Mark, she was wearing the same types of shoes. 

after two and a half laps, Cassie was ready to drop to the floor. Not just because she was tired,  but because she'd tripped and nearly fell on her feet at least four times. "You've really done it, Mark. Haven't you? found a way to fuck me up. Running. I should pat you on the back for remembering how much I hate-" Cassie pants look him in the eyes, before tripping on her feet. 

"Oh princes, do you need a hand." He says with a smug smile on her face, giving her a hand. 

"Don't call me that." She spat, trying to stand up before hissing as she put pressure on her left foot. 

"Here, let me help you." He says, wrapping his hand around her waist. 

"Get off me." She pushed his hand off her, trying to limp to the seat beside the door,

"Come on, Cassie. I didn't think you would get hurt. I was only trying to-" Bishop starts as he walks behind the woman. 

"What? What were you trying to do? huh? Because all you've ever tried to do to me is hurt me. You tried to destroy my friendship Bucky when we were kids, so you could get me as your girlfriend. But that didn't work, so you were going to tell everyone that I grew up in the circus." Cassie spat at him, turning around to face him. And everyone nearby stopped listen to the two fight.

 Everyone at the secret base knew about the two's ongoing hatred for each other. But no one knew what happened in their past. This is the first time anyone has heard any bit of their past. 

"Okay, I admit. I was stupid to do that. I don't know what went on in my mind to do something like that." He says to her with a sigh. 

"So you're not going to apologise? You didn't just find out about my big secret. You said that Bucky told you about it. So that I would hate him. But the thing is, you convinced your friends to say the same." Cassie growled up at him. He just shook his head rolling his eyes, 

"Why are you exaggerating all of this?" He gives her a confused look, 

"Exaggerating? I'm not fucking exaggerating. And I'll say it again if I have to. Chose your words carefully, Bishop." She says getting closer to him. 

"Or what? you'll shoot an arrow through my head? I still don't believe you, Carter." He replies with a chuckle looking at her in the eye's

"Don't test me." She says,

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