Chapter Ten

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"I don't know about this Buck," I say as Bucky, Steve and I walk through a maroon brick terraced house neighborhood. He we continue to walk further kids run around on the road playing with a ball.

"It'll be fine. Steve convince her." Bucky as he gestures to Steve.

"Look, I know it's nerve-racking up, Bucky's family are super nice and warm." He tells, and I sigh as I look down at my dress. It's a long-sleeved yellow dress but the sleeves only reach to my elbows, so I went plan b.

I had a bit of makeup from the circus with so I applied it over my tattoo. You can still see if you look super close, but it's going to have to do for now.

"Here we are," Bucky says as we walk up two steps into a small but cosy family house. I look around at the house but I'm caught off guard by a young girl wrapping he arms around my wait and.

"Hi, I'm Rebecca." She says as she pulls away but I crouch down to her height.

"Hi, Rebecca. My name is Cassie." I say with a warm smile. But as I take in her features lovely short brown wavy hair, brown eyes, about five years old.

Oh my dear god. She has the same features as Peggy,

"I love your accent where are you from?" She asks me but I was too deep in thought to hear her properly.

"I bet your pardon?" I ask her and she starts to adorably giggle.

"She said she loved your accent. She also asked where you were from." Bucky tells me as I look up at him, I shift my gaze back at Rebecca.

"Why thank you. And I'm from England." I tell her and she grin at me as I stand up again.

"James dear, is that you." I hear a woman call from what looks like the kitchen.

"Yeah, Ma. It's me, Steve and Cassie." Bucky shouts back, and a woman with brown hair and a warm smile pokes her head around.

"Well, hello sweetheart. It's lovely to meet you. Come, come." She says and gestures us into the kitchen, Rebecca runs into the kitchen followed by Bucky, steve then me.

"Cassie this is my mother, Winnifred," Bucky says standing beside his mum,

"It's lovely to meet you, ma'am," I say as I stick out my hand to shake, she gladly excepts it with a smile.

"Please call me Winnifred. And I love your accent, your English, right? I think I remember James saying you from England." She asks me, and I nod my head with a smile.

"Yes, I'm from Hampstead, England," I explain and she gives me a nod and a smile but soon turns into confusion, which makes me confused.

"Have we met, I feel like I've seen you before?" She asks me and that makes me even more confused,

Have I met this woman?

Maybe at the boutique? She might have come in for a fitting.

"I don't think so. Maybe you met me in Robins Boutique. I work there." I say and she thinks for a second and shrugs her shoulders.

"Maybe." She says with a smile and places her hand on the side of my cheek "I'm glad you came for dinner, you might brighten the mood around here for thanksgiving." She says and I give her another smile, she smiles back and turns around to finish cooking.

"James you mind helping your father mind your two brothers?" Winnifred asks and Bucky nods and gestures me to follow him, I awkwardly follow after him.

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