Chapter Twenty-Six

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Two Years Later ~End Of Senior Year~

After Bucky and Cassie kissing two years prior; the trio has been in and out of trouble with school and work. But straight after the kiss, Bucky and Cassie started dating. And have been going strong ever since.

"Do you know know how Sarah is? I didn't get to see her recently." Cassie asks Bucky as the two walk hand in hand down the street.

"He said she's getting worse, and the doctor came over to visit and said it was TB," Bucky explains,

"She's been like this for nearly two months. I hope she gets better soon." Cassie says pitiful and with a slight smile,

"I'm going over later, do you wanna come?" Bucky asks and Cassie looks up at him,

"Of course I do." She pecks him on the cheek as the couple walks into Cassie's workplace.

"Elizabeth, it's great to see you. I'm guessing you're here like the rest of your class?" Ms Robins says with her usual warm smile.

"Yes, please. Ms Robins." Cassie says as she lightly squeezes Bucky's hand.

The older woman nods her head as she bends down under the counter to pull out three thin boxes. She slides them on top of the counter, again with a smile.

"Thank you, Ms Robins," Cassie says with a warm smile as she lets go of Bucky's hand to grab a box and tuck it under her arm while Bucky insisted to carry the other two.

"Don't thank me, dear. You also helped out as well." Ms Robins says as the two make their way out of the shop and down the street.

"Do you wanna stop off at Steve's house? And show him his?" Bucky asks to which Cassie returns with a nod.

As the two make their way to Steve's house, worry starts to set into Cassie's stomach. She can't put her finger on the nagging feeling. But its claws at her, annoyingly.

"What is it?" Bucky asks as the two get closer to the house.

"I just have a bad feeling. I don't know what it is. But it's just at me." She says with the slight shake of her head,

"It's probably nothing. Nervous about graduation maybe?" Bucky implies and Cassie shrugs her shoulders,

"Your probably right." She says, but in her head, she knows that's not it. She can't just pin the feeling down.

Bucky knocks on the door twice and opens it, without anyone opening it. They can't find any sign of life anywhere. "Hello? Steve?" Cassie calls out as she places the box on the kitchen table.

But she makes her way around the house soft sniffles can be heard from Steve's room. She walks up to the door but stops when she feels a hand on her waist. She looks up to see Bucky, but he's not looking at her, no he looking at the door.

As he knocks lightly on the door, muffled rushing can be heard. But a couple of seconds later, Steve opens his door. His eyes were red shot, and puffy. And his eyes hold the pain.

As Bucky looks clueless, Cassie puts everything together. "Oh, Stevie." She says as she gets out of Bucky's grin and wraps her arm around Steve's small frame.

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