Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Cassie, where are you going?" Steve asks as he notices Cassie putting her coat on,

"The better question is. Why aren't you get your coat on?" She says with a raised eyebrow looking at him,

the blond pulls his eyebrows together, dropping the newspaper and looking up at the redhead,

"And where are we going again..?" Steve slowly asks,

"Todays the day we find our money culprit in action." She answers with a smug smirk.

"But why so early?" Steve asks, looking at the clock on the wall. Cassie rolls her eyes, looking at the blond.

"Look if we wanna catch them in action, we need to be early. And I know I'm never early for things, but believe me. We need to be early." She says with a sigh walking over to her friend.

"Why are you so interested in this?" Steve asks her, and she sighs and sits beside him.

"Well, the first reason is that, well, it's fun to do all this. But I think the main reason is that." She takes a deep breath "Bucky's been gone for two months and when he writes to me, he never tells me when he's coming back. I'm doing this to distract myself I guess."

looking down at her lap, Cassie feels thin arms wrapping around her body. "He's fine. I know it, and so do you deep down inside. So, with that. Lets got get our money culprit." Steve says softly with a smirk.

"Let's go get 'em." She says, English accent strong.

the two make their way out of the house and down to the stone wall, the blond girl, rue, told them a few weeks back. standing behind a big tree the two patiently wait. After thirty excruciating minutes, the two spot a brunette woman, walking up with a navy dress and a black handbag in the crook of her elbow. She doesn't live in the neighbourhood unless she's new.

But to Cassie, she thought she recognised the woman but pushed it aside as the two best friends watch her wait for the young blond girl. When the young blond comes out of her house and walks up to the brunette, they seem to talk for a second, before the woman gives the girl a handful of candy and an envelope. Finally giving the girl one last smile, the girl skips away while opening a candy wrapper with the envelope tucked under her arm.

before the brunette woman can walk away, Cassie steps out, and Steve following close behind. "Excuse me," Cassie says with a smirk and hands on her hip,

"Oh- Uhm- Hello," The woman stutter, looking at Cassie in disbelief. She seemed to have a slight English accent but was covered over by an American.

"I'm Cassie, but you probably already knew that. Since you've been giving me and my best friend and roommate money." She says smugly, looking at the woman.

"I don't know what-" She stutters again, still not taking her eyes off Cassie.

"Don't lie, we've been getting money for the last month or two now. And we don't know why." Steve cuts her off, standing beside Cassie, arms folded over his chest.

"Look, I'm just new here. And I gave that girl money to give to my landlord." She finally takes her eyes off Cassie and looks at Steve.

"If you're new to the place, what your name brunette?" Cassie says looking the woman up and down, trying to figure out why she feels like she knows the girl.

"Peg- Penelope. Penelope Denis." She says, which makes Cassie more suspicious, she can clearly tell the woman is lying. Maybe to the naked eye, not so much, but cassie can tell she's lying. But she can't tell what she's hiding, and why.

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