❤️‍🩹Kei Tsukishima - Come Back To Me❤️‍🩹

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Three months.

That's how long it's been since you've talked to him, aside from telling him to leave. It hurt, but looking at him hurt more.

You were sitting with Suga, Daichi, and Asahi, but you still felt his stare locked on you.


No, you reminded yourself. Tsukishima. He wasn't Kei anymore. You refused to call him that, even though the name made you remember all the good moments you'd had with your former best friend and crush.

Okay, maybe the crush part hadn't gone away yet. But you wish it would. It would make the whole 'pretending he didn't exist' thing way easier.

"Y/N?" Suga asked, switching into mama mode. "You've been really quiet lately. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, of course!" You say with a smile. "Just stressed about stuff, that's all."

You saw their gazes glance up behind you and clenched your fists.

"Y/N, can-"

You stand up with your lunch, shoving Kei -Tsukishima- away.

"I'll see you at practice guys." You nod to the Parental Trio and walk away.

You heard footsteps follow you out of the lunchroom and growled under your breath. You walked faster, determined to get away from the boy who'd hurt you. Unfortunately, his long legs meant he caught up to you quickly.

"Y/N, Ple-"

You turned, hurt and fury in your eyes.

"I don't want to hear anymore. I got the point three months ago. I don't need you to rub it in my face Tsukishima."

He flinched when you said that last part. You'd never called him Tsukishima out loud before.

"Y/N I don't-"

"I said shut up!" Tears were threatening to fall now. "Get away from me Tsukishima! I don't want to talk to you!"

You turned on your heel and stormed into the girls bathroom, where you knew he wouldn't come after you. Finding it empty, you sat in one of the stalls and cried as the memory of that last day hit you at full force.

You and Kei were sitting with Tadashi at the park, staring up at the blue sky. You and Kei were laying close together, hands touching slightly. You'd known him for years, and loved him almost as long. You wondered if he felt the same, but he'd been out of it that day.

"Kei?" You asked. "Why have you been so down today?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

You looked over at him, and saw the face he used for everyone else. The blank expression. The mask.

"Kei, tell me what's wrong."

"Y/N, I told you I don't want to talk about it right now."

You rolled over to face him and felt Tadashi sit up next to you.

"Kei, please talk to me. You know we-"

He sat up, shoving you away.

"I'm fine Y/N," He growled. "Can you stop being annoying for once in your life?" 

You froze.

"I was just trying to help you," You said, your voice getting bitter.

"Well, I can handle things on my own," he said. "I don't need you."

You inhaled sharply, feeling the pinpricks of tears in your eyes.

"Fine then. I'll find someone who does."

You turned and left, leaving Tadashi to yell at Kei.

You stood up, wiped your eyes, and went through the motions, like always. Go to class, do the schoolwork, go visit the volleyball club, and pretend Kei Tsukishima didn't exist.

When you got to the gym, however, the lights were off and it was dark.

Did they cancel it?

You step inside, turn the light on, and look around. It was empty, save for one stray volleyball in the corner.


You heard a click behind you and turned to the now locked doors.


"Sorry Y/N!" Suga said from the other side. "But everyone hates being in the middle of this. Daichi and I won't let you out until you two figure things out."

You're fists clench as you hear a grunt and a click from the other side of the gym.

"Suga, you're dead," You say before sliding to the floor with your head to your knees.

Footsteps echoed until they stopped. You felt him sit down next to you.

"Y/N..." He said softly. The side he only shared with two people finally showing through.

"Leave me alone."

You were about to cry again and you didn't want to in front of him.

"Y/N, please. Just listen."

You looked up at him. His eyes were red, and you saw hurt in them. He'd been crying too.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I said what I said and I've been trying to tell you that I'm sorry and I never meant it because-"

I held his breath, looking back down at the floor.

"Because why?" You ask in a small voice.

"Because...I love you. I have loved you for so long Y/N, and I could never find a way to say it. Then I went and ruined everything because I don't know how to express my feelings."

He stared at you, and you stared back.


"And that," he says. "Why don't you call me Kei anymore?"

I bite my lip, and he nods.

"Yeah. You're right. I don't deserve it. Not after what I said."

Slowly, you reach down and take his hand. Tears were falling down his face as you brought his hand up to your cheek and held it there.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I never wanted this. Please...come back to me."

You sat like that for a few seconds, then leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss. He kissed back, his hand wrapping gently around your neck and the other around your back, pulling you closer. You reached up and ran your hands through his soft, blond hair.

You pulled away and met his eyes.

"I love you too Kei," you say softly. "I'm sorry I never listened."

"You have nothing to apologize for," he said, pulling you into a hug. You laid your head against his chest, and you both sat there for a while, just holding each other.

Alright! The first one is done! At the time of posting, I have 30 or more drafts in this book, ready to go! I hope you liked this, and I'll post again next week! Feel free to request, I'm always down for those.

-Dire Nightmare ☾

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