💕Satori Tendo - |REQUEST|💕

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Requested by leahBakugou. Enjoy.

You've always loved the color red. It was such a passionate color.

So, obviously, when you saw the striking red hair of a certain middle blocker, you were interested.

You knew through the grapevine the owner of this red hair was Satori Tendo. You also knew about the rumors, which you pretty much tossed out the window. Your brother had told you enough about Tendo to know he wasn't awful at all. He was actually pretty incredible.

You also loved volleyball, so it made sense for you to watch the games. And you did, standing among the many girls who cheered for Wakatoshi. And, of course, you cheered for him too. But you weren't only watching him.

You're eyes always followed the color red.

"Tendo, high school is almost over," Semi said. "If you don't ask her now you never will."

"I know SemiSemi," Tendo said with his usual playful grin.

Semi crossed his arms.

"Drop the tone, I know you're nervous."

Tendo laughed yes, nervously, and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry. You've heard the rumors about me. Why would she even listen to what I say?"

"Because Y/N isn't that kind of person."

Tendo jumped and turned to see his best friend.

"Ah, hello Ushiwaka~" Tendo sang. "And how would you know about Miss Y/N, hm?"

Ushiwaka tilted his head.

"Because she's my sister."


Tendo laughed again and shrugged.

"Then I guess she's definitely off-limits."

"No. You should ask her."

Well shit. Tendo was stuck. On the one hand, he really did want to ask you out. On the other, he knew you would most likely run away screaming before he could.

"Seriously Tendo, go ask her out," Semi said, shoving him forward. "Right now, before you can wimp out on us."

You were waiting on the bench for your brother, who was getting changed in the locker room. When you noticed footsteps, you looked up, seeing the tall redhead of your admiration standing in front of you.

"Before you run away screaming," he says. "Let me talk, please."

Immediately, you're face shifted to one of concern. You set down your book and stood up, coming almost at eye-level with him.

"How many people run away screaming?" you ask slowly. 

Tendo laughs and rubs the back of his neck.

"A lot, actually. Part of what happens when you're the school's resident monster."

His smile dropped slightly, and you took his bandaged hands into yours.

"What was it you wanted to tell me?"

He blinks and looks down at your intertwined hands.

"It was a question actually," he said, slipping back into his normal excited self. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me sometime."

You're face went blank, and he felt a bolt of terror pierced through him. Mentally, he braced himself for the insults, horror, and disgust that was sure to follow.

"Are you serious?"

He waited for the laughter, but you seemed to be genuinely asking the question.

"I am, actually. I've noticed you watching our games. Even though I'm sure you're only there for your brother, I was hoping-"

He went silent at once, noticing a smile on your face. He'd never had someone smile at him like that before. It felt nice.

"I was watching you too Satori Tendo," you said. "I'd love to go on a date with you sometime."

It took everything this redhead had not to start singing.

"Are you serious?"

You laughed, and for a second he thought you'd been playing a cruel joke on him.

"I am, actually," you say, repeating his own words back to him. "Is Saturday at 6 okay?"

He nods, and you pull him into a hug that he quickly returns.

"And for the record," you say softly. "I've never thought you were a monster, Satori."

That was several years ago. Now, you were in the kitchen, setting the table with the dinner you'd gotten from Osamu's restaurant. It was Satori's favorite place, aside from his own, so you were excited to eat with him.

The door opened, right on time, and you heard shoes being kicked off and a groan as your boyfriend flopped down onto the bed in your room.

"Everything okay 'Tori?" you ask, walking into the room and over to where he was laying.

He didn't say anything, just hugged the pillow he was holding tighter.

You sat down next to him and pulled his head into your lap, letting him bury his face in your stomach while you gently messed with his hair. It was slightly rough due to the gel in it, but after a minute you managed to brush that out and let the red strands fall down naturally.

"You want to talk about it baby?" you asked softly, still playing with his hair.

"Just a bad day at work," he mumbled.

"Oh," you said sadly. "Slow day?"

"The opposite. We were understaffed and overworked and this family came in with their two girls and..."

He trailed off and looked up to face you, which is when you noticed the hurt in his eyes.

"And I overheard the mom tell them not to talk to the 'scary redhead man'," he said, voice cracking. "We aren't in high school anymore Y/N; why are people still scared of me?"

You give him a smile and wipe away the tears falling down his face.

"Isn't it obvious? They're jealous."

"What do they have to be jealous of?"

You raise an eyebrow and continue playing with his hair.

"Lets see. You are a highly attractive, independently wealthy, successful business owner at 24. I can see several things, take your pick."

He smiled and leaned up to give you a kiss.

"Thanks," he said. "You always make me feel better."

"Well, it's my job isn't it?" you smile and kiss his forehead. "C'mon, dinner's ready."

Hope you liked it! I love Tendo, and I'm pretty happy with this.

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