🎶💮Tadashi Yamaguchi - Famous!Reader🎶💮

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You're a famous dancer and a capella singer! (I may or may not be absolutely obsessed with Pitch Perfect-)

Tadashi was nervous. And excited. But mostly nervous.

His team had a practice match against Nekoma, but after that was a very special event he didn't want to miss.

You, his girlfriend, would be performing in Tokyo, and had messaged that you really wanted him to be there.

So, here he was, sitting on the bench, crossing his fingers for the match to end quickly so he could make it in time. He hadn't told the rest of the team about his relationship, or the fact that you were part of a famous international acapella group. He felt shy about it, and still wondered sometimes if it was a dream. But you texted him goodnight every night, and good morning every morning, and you two called any chance you got, which wasn't often. You missed each other, and he wanted to see you again.

Hineta and Kageyama landed the freak quick, and the match was over. They won, 27-29, in the third set.

Tadashi jumped up from his seat, already grabbing his things.

"You're excited today," Tsukishima says, walking up behind him. "Could it be-"

"Tsukki shh!" you'd known the pair when you were younger, and Tsukki was the only one who knew about your relationship.

"You know the team would gladly come with you, right?" Tsukki asked.

"I-I know, but..."

"Go with you where?" Hineta came running over. "I thought we were going to that one singing thing after the game?"

Tadashi blinked in confusion and Tsukki smirked at him.

"Don't you remember?" Yachi asked. "Coach Ukai got us backstage passes to that acapella concert tonight. He mentioned it yesterday."

Tadashi's eyes lit up. He didn't even have to leave the team.

"Yeah," Ukai said. "Apparently one of the singers knows someone on the team and invited everyone. Not sure how they found out though."

Tadashi thought he was going to explode. That was you, his amazing, sweet, caring girlfriend. You knew when you asked him that he'd be nervous about sneaking away, so you'd invited everyone.

"Let's go!" Tadashi says. "It starts in less than an hour!"

Nishinoya laughed.

"You didn't even know we were going, how are you so sure of when it starts?" he asks.

"U-Uh, no reason!"

So, they made it onto the bus and drove down to the concert location.

You were nervous. And excited. But mostly nervous.

That's how it always went for a performance. You were nothing but confident, until about an hour before it was time to actually perform. Then the stress hit.

You started humming the song to yourself as you fixed your outfit. Whether or not it was your style, the entire group would be wearing the outfits you'd already picked out.

"Hey!" one of the other singers, Sakura, ran over. "We're going to do great. We always do."

You nod.

"Thanks. Let's do this."

You all walked out onto the stage to cheers and clapping. Holding up one hand, the crowd went silent.

"Thank you everyone, for coming out to support us today!" you start. "We're all super excited. But first, I'd like to say one thing."

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