✓🖤KuroKen - You're More Than A Pet❤

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Omegaverse AU where Omegas can be bought and sold.

Also, I'm sorry for any mistakes and for not posting last week. I forgot. Enjoy :3


This chapter contains mentions of physical abuse and sexual assault. If either of these topics make you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to skip this chapter.

Kenma winced as the door opened. He curled up in the corner of the small basement, his best friend by his side.

"Listen up you pathetic Omegas," The man said, standing over them. "I have a few buyers coming in about five minutes. You are all going to behave, or you're not getting fed."

The man waited for a response, to which he got none, and pulled out a remote. All six of the Omegas in the room flinched.

"Do you understand?" He asked bitterly. Kenma nodded quickly, along with the rest of the group.

"Good. It's a big group so maybe I'll be able to get rid of all of you."

The man left and Kenma turned to his friend.

"Shoyo, what's going to happen?" he asked.

Hinata just shook his head and curled himself up smaller. 

"I don't want to get sold!" another Omega, Toru, shouted.

"It has to be better than here!" Yaku said. "And keep your voice down or he'll shock us again."

Shoyo whimpered and two other Omegas moved closer.

"Let me hold him Kenma," Suga said, with Ennoshita by his side.


None of the Omegas had parents, they'd been sold to their current owner several years ago. Yaku and Suga had taken responsibility for them since then.

Kenma moved over to Yaku, sitting between him and Oikawa. They braced themselves as the footsteps got louder.

The door swung open, revealing their owner with six other men, who all looked very tall and intimidating to Kenma. He ducked his head down, hiding behind his hair.

"These are all we have left," he said. "Nobody wants them because they keep misbehaving."

Kenma winced. He knew nobody wanted him, but did the man have to say it like that?

"You may speak to them, but no touching until after purchase." the owner said it in a way that made Kenma's skin crawl. Was he going to be used like that?

Three of the men made their way over to Kenma while the other three went to the other group.

One of the men knelt down in front of Kenma, and he winced. Then he cursed himself internally.

Now he's gonna hit you for flinching. Nice going Kenma.

The man raised a hand and Kenma braced himself. Instead of a slap, he felt gentle fingers brushing his hair out of his face.

"Hey, I said no touching!"

"I couldn't see his face," the man replied calmly. He had black hair that covered one eye, and he gave Kenma a gentle smile.

Kenma looked over at the other two men near him. Yaku was staring at the man in front of him, a man with silver hair. Oikawa was shaking and flinching at every movement the brunette in front of him made.

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