❤️‍🩹Tadashi Yamaguchi - Don't Cry❤️‍🩹

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Happy Happy New Years' Eve everyone! Enjoy some Tadashi Fluff!

You and your brother met up with Tadashi and started walking in comfortable silence. While doing so, you notice that Tadashi seemed different. He was always quiet, but his silence itself seemed quieter, if that made any sense.

"You good Tadashi?" you asked, glancing up at your freckled boyfriend.

"W-What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine!" He said nervously. Everything seemed normal, but something in your gut told you it was different.

You took his hand and he jumped.

"I just want you to know that I'm always here," you say. "You don't have to talk to me now if you don't want to. I won't force you. But I'm always here if you need me."

You squeezed his hand and didn't let go until you had to separate for class. You sat down, wondering why everything felt off around him.

After school that day you met Tadashi and Tsukki outside the gym like always. You shivered as you were walking, and Tadashi gave you his hoodie.

"Thanks Tadashi," you say, taking his hand. "You're the best."

He smiled, and again, you got that feeling that something was off with him. Nevertheless, you knew he'd tell you if it was important.

The days went on, and something was definitely wrong. He was talking less, and even Tsukki could tell he was off.

"Ask him," The tall blond demanded. "He obviously won't tell you on his own."

"He hates it when I confront him," you counter. "Besides, I don't want to bother him. I trust that he'll ask for help if he needs."

Tadashi walked up to both of you, clearly having heard you but choosing to ignore it.

"Hey," he said. "Tsukki, c'mon. Y/N, I'll see you after practice, right?"

"Of course!"

You hug him, and he tenses before hugging back.

"I might be a little late today, I'm expecting a call from my friend Haruhi later. She's having trouble with some of the guys in her club."

Tadashi nodded and the boys left.

After getting off the phone with Haruhi, you walked up and were about to turn the corner to the front of the gym when you stopped.

"You go ahead Tsukki. I'm fine waiting by myself."

"Oh. If you're sure."

You made eye contact with Tsukki as he left, and he gave you a brief look back behind him. You knew what he meant.

Talk to him.

You gave him a quick nod and he kept walking.

You waited for a second, then heard quiet sobbing from where Tadashi stood.

"She's so wonderful..." he said to himself. "She's probably going to leave me. I can't be enough for someone like her. I shouldn't even be wasting her time."

So this is why he's been so upset lately. The poor baby didn't think he deserved you.

"Don't ever think you aren't enough for me," you say softly, walking over to him. "You aren't a waste of my time."

He jumped at your sudden approach, and you tilted his face up to look at you.

"I love you. You're just as wonderful as I am Tadashi. Don't ever doubt that I love you, and I will never leave you."

He was shaking, and you pulled him into a hug, letting the tears soak your shirt. You sat there, just letting him get out all the pent-up emotions your angel had been hiding.

"I-I'm s-sorry..." he said once the tears started to slow. "I-I'm sorry for bothering y-"

You cut him off with a gentle kiss, pulling him close. You felt him kiss back, tears still flowing down his freckled cheeks.

"You're never a bother Tadashi," you whisper, placing your foreheads together. "I can promise you that. I love you. If you're doubting yourself, it's okay to ask me."

He bites his lip.


"You don't have to if you're uncomfortable," you add gently. "But I promise I will always be honest with you. Always."

He closed his eyes and held your hands in his own.

"D...Do you ever get annoyed with me?"

You smile and wipe away the tears on his face.


You could see the fear in his eyes before you finished.

"I get annoyed when you think you aren't enough for me." you give him a small smile. "Tadashi, you're perfect. Don't ever doubt that."

Finally, it seemed like he started to believe you. You pulled him into another hug, and he held on tightly.

"Thank you," he said. "Thank you for being here."

"Of course," you pull him to his feet. "I'll always be here. So don't cry if you don't have too, okay?"

He nods slowly.


Anyone sick of the mindless hurt/comfort in this yet? It's like my favorite thing to write. Hope you enjoyed, and may 2022 be better than the years before it (Seriously; fix it.)


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