💟Lev Haiba - I Had To💟

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I know Kenma, Kuroo, and Lev are in different years at school, but for the sake of this fanfic, they're all third years. Sorry! Also, I sort of specify that you've got long hair in this, but there's a part with short hair too. Sorry again! Also, this story is VERY dramatic, because plot.

Update. I kinda hate this chapter. I've been putting off posting it. Here's the trash. Enjoy.

You let out a breath and looked up at your high school. It was your first day at Nekoma.

Well, it was to everyone else.

You kept your head down as you walked to your class, encasing yourself in the carefully practiced layer of a background character. Nobody looked at you, nobody noticed you.

It was an act you had to perfect for the last two years.

The classes went by fast, and before you new it, your first day was over.

You let out a sigh of relief, having not seen any of your three friends the entire day.

Maybe they left, you thought, walking past the gym. That would make everything easier.

You noticed something in the corner of your eye and ducked as a volleyball whizzed above your head. A figure ran out, while you stood crouched with your hair hiding your face. it had grown out the past two years and how stopped at your waist, which was intentional.

"Sorry about that. I aimed wrong."

You froze, recognizing the voice you'd hoped to never hear again.

Slowly, you stood up, keeping your hair over your face. Through the H/C curtain, you saw him.

Lev Haiba. Your crush since the first year.

Seeing him again, all the feelings ignited inside you again.

"Fine," you said, barely more than a whisper. He was staring at you.

"Sorry, but you look like someone I know. Could you pull your hair back?" he asked, trying to see your face.

No. He's going to recognize me.

You bowed and took off, running at full speed until you made it back home.

The door creaked as you opened it, and you sighed again in relief.

"That was so close," You said to yourself, sliding down to the floor. 

Your house was bare, with nothing decorating the walls. But then, you couldn't risk anything. You might have to move again, and having extra decorations just made it that much harder.

You made your way up to your room, and looked at the few pictures you did  let yourself have.

The first was your school picture in your first year. Your H/C hair was short, down to your shoulders. It had been cut only the day before. Your E/C eyes sparkled, but if someone looked close enough, they could just make out the bruise under your sleeve.

The second picture was your best friends. It had been winter, and two of them had just finished building a snowman while the third sat huddled on the porch.

 It had been winter, and two of them had just finished building a snowman while the third sat huddled on the porch

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