❤️‍🩹Tobio Kageyama - Don't❤️‍🩹

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This one is short and sweet, and it's actually based off of me a few years ago (I only ever did it twice and I stopped of my own decision. I'm okay, I promise!) But I thought this would be a way to show Kageyama's soft side.

You smiled and waved goodbye as your parents left the house for date night. You were in the kitchen, washing the dinner dishes before your boyfriend got there.

School had been hard. The boys there had been extra annoying, the girls all seemed toxic, you'd gotten zero sleep due to making up late homework, and it seemed like all the teachers were catching any slip you made.

You sighed and start washing your dad's filet knife. Slowly, your hands stop cleaning and you focus on the blade.

I shouldn't.

You turned your arm.

It's only going to make life harder in the long run.

You examined the two faded marks on your arm from the first and only time you'd ever done this.

I'll be even more stressed out trying to hide them.

You pressed the blade against your skin.

But I don't know what else to do. To get rid of all the stress.

You drag it across your arm, slowly.

It's the only thing I can think of to clear my mind.

You did it again. And again. Nine cuts, in random spaces on your lower arms.

You were about to make another when a hand grabbed your wrist. You froze and dropped the knife, staring into the face of your terrified boyfriend.

"What are you doing?" He asks softly, worry written all over his face.

Tears were already running down your face from the pain, but they fell harder now. Your knees gave out and Tobio caught you.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" he asks again, sinking down with you.


"Why would you do this?"

"I-I don't know Tobio," he say, shaking. "I can't think. I can't focus. It snaps me back to reality."

He hugs you tightly, being careful of your arm. The cuts weren't deep, they were barely even bleeding, but they stung like paper cuts.

You cried into his shoulder, letting out all the leftover stress and fear and sadness. And through all of it he held you.

When you stopped crying, he looked at you.

"Don't ever do this again," he said. "Please. Next time you feel like doing this, tell me."

You nod. You didn't want to do it again. You didn't want to do it this time or the first time. It had just happened because you couldn't think of anything else.

"Promise me," he says. "I know you take promises seriously, promise me you won't cut yourself again."

You smile a little.

"I promise I won't cut myself on purpose again," you say. "I can't say for sure I'll never get a cut. You know how clumsy I am."

He lets out a relieved laugh and hugs you again.

This is a really short one, and I'm sorry. I went through a hard time during the time I wrote this (9/20/21) and felt like cutting again. For the most part, this is just what happened to me. The only difference is really that I went and showed my mom right after the second time I did it, because she'd make me stop. Every so often I feel like doing it again, so I just go tell my mom and we talk it out. She's amazing, and I love her with all of my heart. And for those who are genuinely wondering, I won't cut myself again. I made a promise, and I don't break my promises. I'm doing okay, and I've found other coping mechanisms. 

If anyone is going through a hard time, feel free to message me and I'll help with what I can.

Sorry about the tangent. I hope you enjoyed!

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