💢Toru Oikawa - You Forgot To Say💢

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This is one of the first times I've written angst, since I don't like writing sad without a happy ending, so bare with me please!

You couldn't believe it. Your boyfriend of two years. Cheating on you. With none other than your own brother, Hajime Iwaizumi.

You and Toru had been dating since your first year in High School, and then you come to find out that he's been hooking up with Iwaizumi for the past two weeks. You couldn't take it anymore.

For the past year, Oikawa had been the only thing that kept you alive. When your parents were fighting constantly and you were getting picked on by his fangirls and you felt like nothing was worth living for anymore...You would call Oikawa. And he'd remind you of how much he loved you and he'd pull you away from that dangerous cross into attempting to end your own life.

You'd hoped that with him, everything else would work itself out eventually. As long as he was yours, everything else would be painful but bearable.

That was, until you saw him kissing your brother after volleyball practice.

Now you were standing on top of an old bridge. It was over a river, and you remembered reading that several people had fallen in and drowned.


Your hair blew in the wind as you climbed over the railing, holding on. Tears were falling down your face.


You looked back and saw the player himself, followed closely by your brother.

"Well, the couple actually remembered me," you say bitterly. "Your cat's out of the bag, and this cat is going swimming."

Both men paled and Oikawa reached out a hand to you.

"Y/N...don't do this..." he said. "Stay, please. Stay for me."

You glare at him.

"Why?" you ask sharply. "Why should I stay for you?"

He looked surprised.


"Why. Should. I. Stay. For. You." You say again. 

You knew what he needed to say. One sentence, and you were willing to stay alive. If he could just say one thing, one thing that let you know you still had a place in his heart, you would stay. It would be painful, but you would try. You'd give life one more chance, if he could just say those three words.

"B-Because I want you," he said, taking a step forward. "I've always wanted you. You're beautiful, smart, kind, trusting. What happened with Iwa and me was nothing."

You stare at him, no emotion left in your eyes.

"Say it one more time," you said slowly. "One reason. Why should I stay?"

"I want you," he said again, more sure this time.

You shook your head sadly.

"Wrong answer Oikawa." you leaned back, ready to let go. "I love you."

His eyes widened. He knew he messed up.

"That's what I was supposed to..."

You didn't hear the rest of his sentence. You were falling, and before you knew it, you crashed into the waves, and let the shadows embrace you.

For those who want a happy-ish ending, Here ya go. Wasn't really in the mood though.


You followed Hajime to volleyball practice, like usual. You held his hand, though he didn't realize it. Of course he didn't.

You were dead.

Yet still, you didn't want to leave this world yet. Your harsh feelings were gone, replaced with something like a dull buzz. You felt emotions, but nowhere near as bad as before. And, despite everything, you still wanted to protect your brother. After all, you loved him. It wasn't his fault Oikawa told him you'd broken up.

You'd learned that particular fact while the pair was waiting in the hospital. Right before they called your time of death.

Hajime looked ready to cry, but then, he always did these days. You put a ghostly hand around his shoulders, and he shivered.

If they made a handbook for dying, the first thing would be that you can mess with small objects, and that people get the chills when you mess with them.

You stopped and watched as Hajime joined practice, refusing to look at Oikawa. He'd told the entire team about Oikawa's part in your suicide, and he'd been lucky to not get kicked off the team. As it is, he's no longer captain, and nobody calls him the "Great King" anymore. They don't call him anything.

"Hey, move your ass. You're barely doing anything."

Nobody was fawning over him now. After all, why would they want to date the guy behind a girl's suicide?

After the practice you watched as Hajime and Oikawa went in separate directions. For once, you decided to follow the latter.

He walked down to the cemetery and sat by your grave. That's when he started crying.

"I'm sorry Y/N," he whispered. "If you can hear me, I'm so sorry. I do love you. I don't know why I thought I loved Iwa, but I don't. Please...if you're listening, please give me a sign that you forgive me. I'm so sorry I let this happen."

He was crying harder now, and you sighed. The wind picked up for a second, and he nearly fell, putting his hand out to catch himself. It landed on your grave, over a small heart Hajime had engraved in the smooth stone.

Oikawa froze and slowly pulled his hand away.

"Y-Y/N...are you there?" he asked shakily, looking around. You placed a hand over his, and he closed it into a fist. He'd felt it, if only barely.

"I'm so sorry," he said quietly. "I do love you. Please forgive me."

You sat down next to him, and put all your concentration into this one action.

"I love you too."

Sorry if this isn't exactly angst. I hate writing the sad stuff without the happy endings TwT

I'd say it's pretty decent for my first angst story though. What did you think? Any constructive criticism?

Edit: My life is absolute sh*t right now. My cat died two days ago, so I took a small break, and wrote something more sad. Sorry, I needed it. Hope you liked it anyways, hopefully the next one will be less sad. - 12/3/2021

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