PART 1 💮Daichi Sawamura - Hide It💮

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Sorry! This chapter is a little longer than the others, so it took a bit. Enjoy!

Gang AU

You walked briskly down the dark street, not glancing behind you. You knew he was there. Despite his careful attempts at hiding, you always knew when someone was watching.

The rest of the gang called it a superpower. You called it instincts.

You darted down another street, right into the small section of shared territory between you and two other gangs.

Whoever was following you wouldn't last long. You silently put your hands in your pockets, appearing casual, while grabbing the gun hidden in your jacket.

You turned into an alley, making sure they saw. Then, you ducked down at the very edge.

The figure stepped past you and into the alley, looking around. You stood up and cocked the gun, aiming for the head.

"Y/N Wait!"

You froze, gun still raised. The figure had his arms up in the universal 'hold your fire' gesture, and you could just see the edge of his black-and-orange jacket in the moonlight.

"It's just me," Daichi said, slowly lowering his arms.

You put the gun back in your pocket and walked over, wrapping your arms around him.

"I missed you," you say, feeling him hug you back. "Sorry about almost blowing your head off."

"Don't worry about it. I missed you too."

You both stood like that for a brief moment before looking up at him.

"How've you all been?" He asked, referring to your gang.

"Good. We just finished getting the official truce set up between us and Fukurodani."

"That's great!" Daichi said. Nekoma had been working on a truce between Fukurodani, one of two other gangs in the area, for a long time, and you could tell Daichi was proud you'd gotten it to work.

"How're things with Karasuno?" You asked. Daichi was the leader of Karasuno, the other gang that shared the area.

"Good. We've got another meeting set up to discuss the movement of Aoba Josai. I was supposed to invite you guys, but Kuroo wouldn't let me in."

You laugh.

"You should have asked Kenma. He would've told you not to sneak up on me in the middle of the night."

"Yeah, but then I wouldn't have gotten to see you until the meeting," he said, giving you a soft kiss to the forehead. "And then I would've had to hide how much I love you."

You sigh and lean your head against his chest.

"I'm sorry we have to hide it. I wish we didn't have to," you said softly. "But I can't risk it. If my brother ever found out-"

"I know Y/N," he said, softly running his hand through your hair. "I know."

That was the reason you were meeting in a hidden alley, instead of a public place. The reason you couldn't go on dates or show your affection to anyone. The reason you had to hide.

Toru Oikawa. Leader of the Aoba Josai gang. And your older brother.

He refused to give mercy to anyone, even Nekoma. So, you were stuck between three gangs.

Leading Nekoma. In love with the leader of Karasuno. Related to the leader of Aoba Josai.

He'd been furious when you told him you were joining a different gang, and ever since, he's been rising to the top of the gang food chain. You were close behind, and you had good allies, but in the end, it didn't matter.

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