💮💟 Kenma Kozume - Dreamer💟💮

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AU: You and your soulmate can talk to each other in dreams, if you're both asleep at the same time. However, it works like a phone. One can start a dream, and the other can choose whether or not to join it. Whoever can start the dream alternates day to day.

Original idea, please tag me if you use it!

You stood in a field. It was one of your favorite places to visit. A huge grassy field with a hill on it. You were currently on that hill, leaning against the huge cherry tree and watching the wind blow through the flowers and grass below you.

You were waiting for him. It was your night, and you knew he'd show up. He always did.

A figure stepped out from behind the tree and sat next to you. His black-and-blond hair blew slightly in the breeze, and he smiled.

"Hey Y/N," he said.

"Hey Kenma," you said back. "I was waiting for you."

He looked around with a smile.

"This place again?" he asked.

"It's one of my favorites." You shrugged and reached for his hand. It passed through and both of you frowned.

That was the sad thing about soulmate dreams - you couldn't do more than talk and see each other. It hurt sometimes, since you'd known him since you were six but hadn't really known him.

"I wish we could see each other," he says after a minute. "I wish I could hug you."

"Me too Kenma," you say.

You take a minute to see what he chose to wear for this dream. He was wearing black volleyball shorts, and a red jacket that reminded you of-

"Wait, do you go to Nekoma?" you ask.

He turns.

"Yeah. How do you know?"

"Your jacket."


You turn and look at him.

"Kenma, one of my cousins goes there!" You exclaim.

"Really, who?"

He tilts his head, and it's absolutely adorable.

"Morisuke!" You say. "I think he's on the volleyball team."

"Oh, you mean Yaku?" he says. "I don't really see the resemblance."

"Yeah, he's on dad's side of the family," you explain. "I got everything from mom."

Kenma smiles, and you smile back. Then your eyes widen. Your family had planned on moving back to Japan due to both family and your dad's work.

"Everything okay?" Kenma asks, ever observant. "You're face is scaring me."

What better surprise than this?

"Rude," you say, crossing your arms.

"You know what I mean."

"Heh, yeah."

You lean against the tree, and the both of you just relax until it was time to wake up.

It was the big day. You were currently stepping off the plane with your parents, in Japan. You looked around for your cousin, since he was helping you with this entire plan.


You turn and see your tiny cousin running towards you. You smile and hug him.

"Hey Mori!" you say. It was an old nickname from an anime you both loved, and it stuck.

"You ready for this?" he asked. "The team's all ready for you."

You nod, and quickly tells your parents what's happening before rushing you out of the airport.

You stood in the gym, looking around frantically. After a moment you saw your pudding-haired boyfriend sitting on a bench playing video games. Slowly, you walk up and stand behind him, performing your carefully perfected trick of blending into the background.

"How was your dream last night Kenma?" A boy with black bedhead walked up with a smirk.

"It was fine. We visited a beach this time," he said, not looking up from his game.

"Didn't you visit a beach last week?" he asks.

"Yeah. It's one of her three favorite places, and it was her turn last night."

He nods.

"I've got no idea how you manage to handle a relationship long-distance."

"Yeah, it gets lonely," you chime in, making both boys jump. Kenma literally fell on the floor and looked up with wide eyes.

"Y/N?" he asked.

"C'mere Kitten," you say, holding out your arms. Instantly he was holding you in a hug, and you both relaxed in finally being able to feel each other.

His hair smelled like apples, and his touch was warm and soothing.

"I have been waiting so long for this," you say softly.

He just hums and tightens his grip. You smile and rest your head on his shoulder.

You both pull away slightly to look at each other, and he blushes.

"Can I kiss you?" He mumbles. You smile.

"Of course."

You lean in and both of you share your first kiss.

This, was random. I liked the AU though, might use it again at some point. Hope you enjoyed!

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