🖤KuroTsuki - Blood On Your Lips💛

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Kuroo hadn't left his room in three weeks. His team understood why, but that didn't keep them from getting frustrated. So, the next time Lev showed up to bring him dinner, something was different.

"Kuroo?" he said.

Kuroo, who'd been sitting by the window, did nothing to acknowledge the tall Russian.

"Kuroo, you have to come out."

No response. Lev huffed, frustrated, and set the tray of food on Kuroo's side table.


A microflinch, but nothing more.

"Come on! You have to come out of your room or Yaku won't let you come with us to get him back tomorrow!"

A pause. Kuroo turned his head slowly. Lev could see the dark circles and the redness to his eyes.

"What?" he asked, voice quiet and hoarse.

"Yaku found out who took him." Lev puts a hand on Kuroo's shoulder. "We can get him back, Kuroo."

The man's eyes widen, and Lev slowly watches the life in his eyes ignite again.

"I can get Kei back..?" he asked, barely more than a whisper.

Lev nodded.

"Come on. We're going over the plan in half an hour."

Kuroo nodded. It wasn't much, but it was something.

"I hate this," Tetsuro mumbled, looking in the mirror. "Why do we have to play it off like this?"

Kenma scoffed, adjusting the man's red tie.

"Because, it's the only way they'll let us in."

Tetsuro glared at their reflections, eyeing the suits and ties they were both wearing.

"Kenma, you're my best friend, but I hate you for this," he said.

"Do you want Kei back or not?" Kenma asked. "Because this is the best chance we have of getting him without getting hurt."

Tetsuro sighed. He'd done what he could with makeup, but he still looked tired.

"Let's just get going," he said. "I want my husband back."

Kenma nodded, and they left to go wait outside for their partners.

The pair was friends with the other assassins in the group -hell, the group was family to them- so it was no surprise to see Bokuto and Akaashi waiting in equally formal attire.

"Is everyone ready?" Akaashi asked.

The pair nodded, and they all climbed into the limo.

The party was loud, but Tetsuro's mind was quiet. He only had one thought in his mind, and it was to find Kei and get out of there.

It had been almost three weeks. Was Kei hurt? Was he even still alive?

"Kuroo, you're glaring again," Kenma whispered. He was holding Tetsuro's hand, the two being forced to act like a couple so they could blend in. He was the only one who knew what the host looked like, so he had to be on lookout.

"I need to know he's okay," he muttered.

"I know that, but we need to wait so we can get him out safely."

He sighed and nodded.

"Let's get something to drink while we wait for the host, shall we?" Kenma asked, raising his voice back to normal volume.

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