💕Kenma Kozume - Harmony💕

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Sorry its short. Also, can you tell I'm a sucker for nightmare comfort? Enjoy!

You were laying on Kenma's bed, while said boy sat across the room playing his game. You wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't even realized you were here.

At first, his constant gaming didn't bother you. But lately, you've been wondering. Your friends were always talking about how their boyfriend would cuddle or hold their hand, and it was starting to hurt that Kenma barely acknowledged you.

Rolling over, you faced the wall and slowly fell asleep, all the doubt and worry making its way into your dreams.

You were waiting outside for Kenma, like always. And, like always, he walked out with his game in hand. But instead of looking up at you like always, today he just walked right past you.

"Kenma?" you ask, catching up with him. "Kenma."

He didn't answer, and the panic started rising.

"Kenma, are you okay?"

"We should break up," he says, not even caring enough to look at you.

"What?" you ask. "Why?"

"It's nothing personal I guess. I just don't care."

You felt tears in your eyes as you reached out for him.

"No," you say, your voice breaking. "No, Kenma, please."

"Go away," he says, still sounding bored. "You're wasting my time."

He kept walking, but you stood there, crying.

"K-Kenma...don't leave me...please..."

You lost your balance, suddenly alone in your room, and curled up on the floor.

Kenma was just about to beat the level when he heard something.


It was quiet, and he looked up. You'd said his name in your sleep. He smiles slightly, finding it adorable. 

"Kenma," you said again, quietly. His smile fell to a face of worry as he saw you shaking.

"What?" you asked, and his heart hurt at the pain in your voice. 

He stood up, not even caring that the game was flashing a 'game over' screen.

"No." You curled up into a ball, still shaking.

The boy was genuinely concerned and had no idea what to do. All he knew was that you were upset, and it had something to do with him.

"Kenma don't leave me."

You were crying in your sleep, and the guilt this boy felt could fill a lake. He understood now, and there were no words to describe how bad he felt.

He sat down next to you and shook your shoulder gently. You woke up, still shaken up, and saw his worried face.

"I won't leave you," he says quietly. "I'm sorry. I should have payed more attention."

He pulled you into his arms, and you buried your head in his chest. He layed down and you both just lay there, cuddling, as your tears slowed.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles into your hair. "I'm not good at this."

"I know," you say softly, playing with his bleached ends. "I don't mean to bother you."

"You don't." he tilted your head up to look at him. "You...you're my harmony."

He blushed at the words, and you smiled.

"Thanks Kenma."

"Of course Pudding."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

K but why does Kenma seem like the type to be kinda cheesy every so often? Like, when he's really comfortable with you, it seems like he'd say something soft.

Not one of my favorite chapters, but it's okay. Hope you enjoyed!

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