💟Ryunosuke Tanaka - Stay Away💟

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Sorry for the late update! I tend to write out ideas as they come and hope I finish for when I planned them, but I have a hard time writing Tanaka and school was super stressy this week. Happy Hallows Eve!

As you stepped out of the car you felt arms pull you into a strong yet gentle hug.

"You made it!" Tanaka said excitedly.

"Of course I did," you laugh, smiling up at him. "I wouldn't miss your training camp!"

He spins you around and you laugh.

"Ryu, you need to go back to practice," You say, pushing him away. "Daichi's going to notice you're gone."

"I told him I was in the bathroom," Tanaka said confidently.

"And how long ago was that?" You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow.

He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck and blushed slightly.

"Ten minutes ago."


"I'm sorry! I just wanted to be out here when you got here!"

You smile and give him a quick kiss.

"Go beat the other teams for me, alright?"

As always, your kiss was the only thing able to fluster Ryunosuke Tanaka. He nodded and left, and after a few minutes you followed.

As you walked into the gym, Yaku from Nekoma came up to you with wide eyes.

"Damn, you are really cute," Yaku said. You saw Tanaka clench his fists on the court, but he was in the middle of a game now. Noya, however, had your back.

"Back off Yaku!" He shouted. "She's with us!"

He glanced at you, standing there with a calm stare.


He ran back to his team at the word, and you waved to Kenma. He waved back before going back to his video game.

As the day went on, Yaku kept coming up to you with pickup lines and kind words. It wouldn't have been an issue if he hadn't been purposefully doing it any time Tanaka couldn't stop him.

By the end of the day, you were laying on the grass outside when Yaku came up again.

"Hey," he said. "I was wondering if you wanted to come on a date with me?"

You raise an eyebrow. Tanaka was currently in refilling his water, and the rest of the team was too tired to see what was going on.

"C'mon, I can already tell you like me," he said. "So just come on a date already. I can promise you I'm the best of the best."

You felt someone come up behind you and relaxed slightly.

"Sorry, she's got better things to do," Tanaka said darkly.

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't asking you," he said. "Let the lady speak for herself."

You could tell Tanaka was ready to punch the guy.

"Sorry Yaku," you say, stepping back so you were touching Tanaka's chest. "But I'm taken."

Tanaka wrapped his arms around you protectively and you smiled.

"So can you please stop being such a pest? It's getting on my nerves."

You smile and walk away, holding Tanaka's hand tightly in yours.

I think I wrote Yaku pretty ooc but I couldn't remember anyone else on the team other than Kenma, Kuroo, Yamamoto, and Lev, and I out of those, this seemed most in-character I guess? Sorry Yaku! I love you!

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