💕Kenma Kozume - Where?💕

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You were reading outside when you felt arms wrap around your waist.

"Hi Kenma," you say, turning to see the multicolored hair and and big brown eyes.

"Hi," he says simply, still hugging you. You turned and hugged him back, him burying his face in your neck.

"I missed you," you say, smelling his apple-scented hair.

"Me too."

"You missed you?"

He gave one of his small smiles and looked up at you.

"You know what I mean."

You smiled and hugged him tighter.

"I know."

Your relationship wasn't flashy. He loved you, and you loved him. You managed the boys volleyball team, he set for them. He played video games, and you read. You shared your emotions most of the time, he only let his guard down around you. Sometimes you kissed, but it was never dramatic. You were simple people, simply in love.

"Do you want to come over to my house this weekend?" he asked.

"Sure Kenma." You lay your head on his. "I'd love to."

He smiled, and there was a honk behind you. He sighed.

"That's Kuroo. He's taking me home. Bye."

"Bye Kenma. Love you."

He smiled again, just a small half smile.

"Love you too."

You waved as he drove away, smiling.

You scrambled around the room, throwing anything you'd think you'll need into your suitcase. Typical of your parents not to tell you until the last minute that they got you a flight to America for four days with them.

By the time you got on the plane, you were ready to pass out and had the thought to tell Kenma about the change of plans. You reached into your pocket and found nothing. 

You'd tossed your phone on your bed after mom's call. You must have left it there.

You groan out loud. Not only did you leave your phone, but now you can't even call your parents to pick you up from the airport.


You hadn't had time to tell him you were leaving. To tell anyone you were leaving, actually.

He'll be okay, You told yourself. A new video game just came out. He'll probably be so distracted he won't know I'm gone.

Telling yourself this, you lay back in your seat and pulled out a book.

Four Days Later

You collapsed on your bed, home at last. Your parents were still working, so you had the house to yourself, as usual.

Your phone was dead, so you plugged it in and fell asleep. You woke up to the noise of old text notifications. Checking your phone, you saw there were 23 missed calls, and at least 30 texts, most of them from Kenma, but the rest of the team too.

Kenma: You never showed up today, is everything okay?

Kenma: Where are you?

Kenma: Are you ignoring me?

Kenma: Did I do something wrong?

You winced at that last one. You'd thought he wouldn't notice, but of course he would notice. He notices everything. That's part of why he was so amazing.

Kuroo: Where are you? Kenma's freaking out, answer your damn phone.

Kenma: Why aren't you answering me?

Lev: Y/N, where are you dude? Ken's freakin and I haven't seen you in class.

Kenma: Are you okay? Please answer the phone. I'm sorry if I did anything, just please answer.

Kuroo: Y/N I swear to god if you hurt him

Kenma: ...Did you leave me?

You stood up and ran out the door, stopping only to slip on your shoes before running the entire way back to Kenma's house. The thought to call him did not cross your mind. His parents were away for a month, and you opened the door without knocking. You ran up to Kenma's room and heard silence.

You opened the door and saw Kenma curled up on the bed, wearing his Nekoma jacket and crying into his knees.

"Kenma!" You stepped forward, but he was hugging you before you got both feet in the room, crying into your shoulder.

"Oh Kenma," you said softly, pulling him close. "I'm so sorry."

"Where?" Was all he asked, holding on like you were going to disappear.

"My parents sprung a surprise four day trip to America on me, and I left my phone on the bed."

You gently pulled him over to the bed, laying down with him still holding you.

"I'm sorry Kenma." You ran your hands through his black and blond hair. "I'm so sorry."

He looked up at you, his brown eyes still watering.

"Don't leave me again," he said softly. "Please." 

"I won't," you pull him closer, and he closes his eyes. "I won't."

You tilt his face towards you and kiss him softly. He kissed back, and you both pulled away smiling.

"Movie night?" he asked. 

You nodded.

This one isn't one of my best. I can promise, they'll get better!

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