💕Kei Tsukishima - My Prince💕

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You were standing outside the school gates, waiting for your boyfriend and your best friend.

Tadashi ran up and gave you a hug, and you returned it with a laugh.

"Why are you in such a good mood Tada?" you ask.

"That test you helped me study for yesterday!" he said excitedly. "I got a perfect score!"

"Congrats!" You cheer. "I knew you could do it!"

You pull away and blow him a kiss, which you do to all of your friends. It's your special thing for those close to you.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up at your salty dino boyfriend.

"Kei!" You jumped up and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around you, but something felt slightly different.

"You okay?" you asked, looking up at him.

"Of course I am, why?" he asks. "C'mon, we're going to be late for practice."

You walk with the two boys, holding Kei's hand tightly. 


You'd been dating Kei for a few weeks now, and when he was alone with you he was always super sweet. Every so often you wondered why he acts so brash around other people, yet was so caring to you.

You were chatting with Nishinoya and Tanaka when you were tackled by the tangerine himself.

"Y/N!!!" he shouted. "IT'S BEEN FOREVER!"

"I was here yesterday Hinata," you say with a laugh. Hinata's always like this. Overly friendly, but it didn't bother you. It did, however, bother Kei, though he'd never admit it.

"Y/N, you ready to go?" Kei asked from the doorway. You stood up and grabbed your bag.

"Yup! Bye Hinata!" You waved to him as the two of you left.

When you got to Kei's house, he went upstairs without a word, which wasn't totally unusual, but something told you it was off.

You walked in to see him sitting at his desk with headphones around his neck. He was staring at a textbook, but you could easily tell he was spacing out.

"Kei?" you ask, walking over. He didn't respond. "Kei?"

Still nothing. You sighed, sat down on his bed, and started messaging Suga.

Y/N: Yo Suga, how's your boyfriend?

Suga: Y/N for the last time, Daichi and I aren't dating.

Y/N: I never mentioned Daichi~

Suga: You-

You started laughing and sent him an angry cat face.

Y/N: >:3

Y/N: I win. You're both so cute tho

Suga: For the last time, we are not!

Y/N: Are too

You grinned and flopped down onto Kei's bed. He was looking at you and noticed your texts to Suga. Despite his own judgement, he started getting a little irritated.

"Who's cute?" he asked with forced casualty.

"Daichi and Suga," you say with a smirk. "They're adorable."

He knew what you meant, but a small part of him was jealous anyway.

"I don't understand why they haven't gotten together yet," you continue. "I mean, they're basically the parents of your team already."

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