💌💮💕Bokuakakurotsuki - Unique💕💮💌

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Soulmate AU: When you get hurt, your soulmate feels it

Other Soulmate AU: You have an arrow on your wrist pointing to your soulmate. The first time you touch each other, the arrow turns from blue to yellow

You loved gloves.

Not the fuzzy winter kind, but the sleek satin ones that most people only wear to formal parties. You loved how they felt, and the fact that they covered your arms.

Because you didn't have one arrow. No, you had four. Four soulmate arrows, in different shades of blue, pointing in different directions. 

After a group of kids started teasing you, your mother bought you your first pair of gloves. Ever since then, you've loved them, both for the cover and just because they look nice. You'd gotten to the point where you barely even notice your arrows anymore.

The other issue is that for the past few years, your arms and legs have been sore almost nonstop after school. You were sure that your soulmates- or at least one of them- was an athlete of some sort.

You were currently headed to the gym, since your cousin Kiyoko asked for help with the volleyball team today.

I wonder.

You thought about the possibility of meeting one of them today. Well, if it happens it happens. Adjusting your gloves, you open the door and step inside.

A volleyball flew towards your face, and you threw up a hand. You blocked it, crying out as it jammed one of your fingers.

You looked down and gingerly moved each of your fingers. Yup. The middle one was definitely jammed.

"Y/N!" Kiyoko calls. "Are you okay?"

"Heh, yeah," you say. "Jammed a finger, but that's it. Hey Kiyoko."

She smiled and checked your finger.

"Here, we've got some sports tape you can use."

She led you over to the table, where a tall blond was picking up a roll of the tape.

"Tsukishima," Kiyoko said. "Can I use that for a second?"

He hands it over.

"You were on the bench," she says. "Why did you need it?"

"Soulmate hurt their finger," he says simply.

Your eyes widen, and you get an idea.

"Please don't let me regret this," you mumble, before forcing your hand into a fist. As expected, your finger feels like it's dipped in fire.

"Ow!" Tsukishima shouts. "God, can't they be more careful?"

Your eyes widen.


He looks at you, and you bend your finger again. Both of you wince in unison.

His eyes soften, and he brushes your hair out of your face.

"Check it," you whisper.

He looks down. Sure enough, one of his four arrows was now yellow.

"Nice to meet you," you say. "I'm Y/N."

"Call me Kei," he says. The rest of his team was shocked at how not-rude he was being.

Kiyoko bandaged both of your fingers and Kei went back to practice. You waited, helping out Kiyoko. After practice you and Kei exchanged phone numbers and he walked you home.

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