Everything About MY Omegaverse

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A/B/O. AKA Omegaverse.


Physically: Alpha's are physically the strongest. They're also more aggressive and more territorial. They can also get very protective of their Beta and Omega friends, or their 'pack'. They can scent people, or force them into submission. They can mark a Beta or Omega, which permanently bonds them to their new 'mate'.

Pheromones, Ruts, Etc: Alpha scents tend to be spicy, woodsy, and overall not very sweet. Alpha's that do smell sweet are often mistaken for omegas, especially if they aren't visibly fit. Pheromones can be expelled for multiple reasons, including during a time of strong emotions.

An Alpha's non-sexual rut can last anywhere from a day to a week. During this time, an Alpha will be very irritable and very protective of their mate, or who they consider to be their mate. They will often make 'Dens' and their only goal is to care for and protect their mate.

An Alpha can also have sexual ruts, but only once they're physically AND mentally ready for a child. This is to make sure any offspring have the best chance possible of survival.


Physically: Betas don't change much physically. However, they do gain an innate sense of how people are feeling. They're more alert and they tend to help Alpha's protect the omegas in their 'pack' closely.

Pheromones, Heats, Etc: Beta scents are normally mild, with not much to them. Some don't have a scent at all. Betas don't have ruts or heats, but they have a 'second sense'. Which basically means when an Omega goes into heat, a Beta will find a way to alert the nearest Alpha they deem safe, and protect the Omega until then. Beta's will also have the sense to help gather things for an Omega to build their nest.


Physically: Omegas are not as physically fit as either of the other two. They're typically smaller and weaker. Most Omegas have an innate sense of nurturing and will try to care, or 'mother' the members in their pack.

Pheromones, Heats, Etc: Omega scents tend to be fruity or flowering, and overall sweet. An Omega's scent naturally radiates, and can be expelled in large doses in moments of anger, fear, or distress.

Omegas are sensitive to Alpha pheromones, meaning if an Alpha expelled enough, and Omega would feel dizzy, weak and scared, and would collapse and cave to their instincts (Which are to do anything the Alpha in question asks). Essentially, scared into submission. Because of this, Omegas can be taken advantage of disgustingly easy, and police officers take all reports of forcing Omegas to submit very seriously.

An Omega's non-sexual heat can last anywhere from a day to a week. During this time, the Omega will be very scared and nervous, and very clingy. They will back away and avoid everyone except their mate, or who they consider to be their mate. They will almost always make 'Nests', which they are very protective of. They're main focus is staying safe and (If they're pregnant) protecting their baby.

An Omega can also have sexual heats, but only once they're physically AND mentally ready for a child. This is to make sure any offspring have the best chance possible of survival.

If an Omega is pregnant, their heats will become non-sexual until they give birth. (Or, in a male's case, C-Section)

Items/Terms To Remember

Scenting: When an Alpha expels their scent on an object or person. Mainly for Omegas to feel comforted.

Forcing To Submit: When an Alpha expels a lot of their scent in order to make an Omega dizzy and force their instincts into making them submissive and scared

Scent maskers: A special pill Omegas (And Alphas, but normally Omegas) take to hide their scent. Often used if an Omega didn't want others knowing they were an Omega.

Nest/Den: a bundle made by Alpha/Omegas in a Rut or Heat, where they gather soft items (blankets, pillows, etc.) and form a safe nest-like area. Omegas may also steal their mate's clothing to add to their nest.

Scent Gland: Located on a person's wrists and neck, used for different things. The neck scent gland is used for marking, both for Alphas and Omegas.

Marking: When an Alpha bites into the scent gland on an Omega's neck, deep enough to create a special bond. An Omega asking to be marked is a huge symbol of trust, and it's rare to see a mark on an Omega before marriage.

Omega Mark: Reversed Mark. When an Omega marks their Alpha. Is an even bigger symbol of trust, as it gives the Alpha the ability to forcibly command their Omega. Extremely rare to see on an Alpha, especially before marriage

I will add to this any time I come up with something. Enjoy the bonus chapter!

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