💕Yuu Nishinoya - Cutie💕

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This contains season 3 spoilers, and I highly recommend you watch it first. For season 3, it's needed.

"Y/N, I'm fine."

"Yuu, if you don't let me do this I will never forgive you."

You were currently sitting on your bed, trying to convince your spiky-haired boyfriend to sit down and rest. They'd just won against Shiratorizawa, and Noya's arms were already bruising from all the receives.

"No, I'm fine," he said. "I don't even feel it. See?"

He twisted his arms, but you caught the spark of pain in his eyes.

"Fine," you say, crossing your arms. "I just can't believe you don't trust me Nishinoya."

You rolled over, pretending to be offended. Plus, you don't call him Nishinoya often. So, you successfully scared the libero.

"It's not that I don't trust you!" he says frantically. "Okay okay fine, just please don't be mad at me!"

You smile and roll over.

"C'mere Babe."

He walked over and sat down on the bed, with you behind him. You start rubbing his arms gently before wrapping each arm in a cold towel.

"Okay, fine, maybe I am a little sore," he mumbled. "But I- Ohhh."

He let out a soft sigh as you started massaging his shoulders.

"Honestly, you get so tense," you pause for a second and he groans.

"Don't stop. It feels good."

You giggle and continue. "Alright, sorry."

He relaxes as you continue for a few minutes, tilting his head back. When you stop again 20 minutes later, he looks back at you.

"Y/N, please keep going," he whines. "Why'd you stop?"

"Because," you say, ruffling his hair. "You need to go take a shower and go to bed. It's been a long day."

He groaned and fell back against you. You laugh and wrap your arms around his chest.

"Noya, you have to go," you say into his spiky hair. "I'm not going anywhere, remember?"

His mom had said you could spend the weekend there, as a celebration to winning the game.


He slowly gets up and leaves the room. Once you hear the water turn on, you slip into your own pajamas and curl up in the soft blankets of the guest bedroom.

You were almost asleep when you see a shadow under the door.

"Yes?" You ask sleepily.

Nishinoya slowly opens the door, and you're immediately awake. His hair was down, and there was a towel around his shoulders. With the simple shirt, shorts, and his hair down, he looked like a sad little kid.

"Can I...can I sleep with you tonight?" He asked quietly.

You smile.

"C'mon in babe."

He smiles and walks in, shutting the door quietly. He crawls into bed and you wrap your arms around him.

"You tired?"

He hums softly, burrowing into your neck. You were a few inches taller, but he didn't mind it with you.

"You're cute with your hair down Noya," you mumbled into his head. "You should wear it like this more often."

"I look taller with it spikey," he mumbles.

"Whatever you want to do, but I think you look cute."

You pull him closer, smelling his newly-washed hair.

"Do you remember the day we started dating?" He asks after a moment.

"Of course I do," you say. "You stole my diary."

You both smile at the memory.

"Technically Tanaka stole it," he corrects.

"Guys!" Tanaka shouted. "Check out what I got!"

He held up a spiral notebook.

"What is that?" Daichi asked.

"It's Y/N's diary!" He called. "Maybe we'll find out who her crush is~"

He glanced at Noya, who was blushing.

"I'd rather not know which guy stole her from me," he mumbled.

"Alright, well we're reading it."

They flip open the page, and Ennoshita took it from them.

"She's my sister, give it."

He read for a second, then grinned.

"'Oh dear diary,'" he read out loud. "'I met a boy,' wow she's quoting Tik Tok now. 'He made my dull heart, light up with joy.'"

Most of the group was laughing at the fact that you'd used a Tik Tok song in your diary, but Nishinoya was listening intently. Despite not wanting to know if another guy held your interest, if it was him he wanted to know right away.

Ennoshita stopped and looked at the page.

"Oh, wow, she's falling hard."

Noya winced as everyone gathered around the book to see.

"Woah Noya!" Tanaka said. "Dude, come look at this!"

He sighed and stood up, resigned to silently suffer at the hands of whatever guy you wrote about.

"Woah, it's...a lot of me," he said, seeing the page filled with selfies you two had taken.

"I was so embarrassed," you say. "I swear, I thought I would die."

"I'm glad you didn't," he mumbled sleepily. "I love you Y/N."

He tightens his grip and you smile.

"I love you too Nishi. Sweet dreams."

He hummed softly and you felt him relax.

What did you think? I was in the mood for some fluff.

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