💟Asahi Azumane - Brother💟

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I've heard several audios on TikTok, so I'm turning them into a story. None of them are mine, but I can't find the original creators. Also, Tsukki is your little brother, and he's a B***h. Just a heads up. Also lots of swearing, and the storyline might be slightly messy.

Plus, this is more like a family drama than a ship oneshot. Feel free to skip.

You've always known you were adopted, and you were fine with it. That just meant that your parents had chosen you specifically. They wanted you.

Still, it wasn't something you went around sharing. Most people made fun of you if they found out, which was dumb. Their parents got stuck with whoever was born, while yours had found you and said 'I want this one.'

And yet, the one bully you couldn't shake was your younger brother. And he was your brother, in every sense of the word aside from blood.

But then, I guess blood was all that mattered to Kei.

Akiteru loved you, so you weren't completely alone, but it would be nice if your younger brother didn't hate you. Still, you loved him, and would treat him as a brother whether he did the same or not. After all, he hasn't done anything bad enough for you to hate him.

As you walked ahead with Kei and his friend Tadashi, he would give you a look any time you said something to him. So, eventually you respected his silence and started talking with Tadashi.

"So, how's practice Tada?" you ask. "Asahi said your serves have been looking really good."

"Really?" his eyes lit up at the compliment. "It's going good. I think everyone's getting better."

You keep talking, ignoring when your brother shoved you into Tadashi and walks ahead.

"S-Sorry Tadashi!" you say. "I should have been more careful!"

Tadashi, however, looked angry.

"You aren't even going to apologize Tsukki?!" He called, looking both mad and scared at the same time.

"Why would I?" he asked in a bored voice. "She's not dead."

He continued walking, and you smiled, hoping it looked real.

"Love you Kei!"


Despite the kindness you always showed him, Kei's constant hate was starting to wear on you. What finally made it break was what he did on his way to volleyball practice.

You were walking down when he stepped out of his classroom, causing you to knock him over.

"Oh, sorry Kei!" you say, standing up. "I didn't see you!"

He scoffed and stood up, glaring.

"You're so annoying," he said.

You smile and rub the back of your neck.


"You're so obnoxious Y/N."

You bit your lip. It was clear he was finally reaching his limit with you, and you braced yourself.

"Believe it when I say that you are adopted," he said, shoving you back. You looked up at him, tears threatening to fall.

"Tell me. Why-" you start, but he cuts you off.

"You can't do anything right?" He asks bitterly. You try again.


"I want to fight you on sight!"


"I never want to hear you say," he says, grabbing your wrist. "That we're related."

You rip your arm away from him and glare back, tears falling down your face.

"Tell me what I ever did to deserve the shit you put me through!" you shout, before running the rest of the way to the gym.

The entire team froze as you ran in and over to Asahi.

"What happened," he asked.

"I don't know," you choke out through your tears. He takes you into his arms and holds you close, running a gentle hand over your hair as you bury your face in his chest.

"Don't worry," he said softly. "Don't worry, look, I'm here to help you."

He was such a wonderful boyfriend.

Kei ran in behind you but froze when he saw the entire team staring daggers at him. He put his hands up and started shouting.

"Listen! Listen! Listen! Listen!" He said, and Asahi covered your ears. Despite that, you could still hear the rest of the team.

"Oi f*ck off!" Tanaka shouted. "F*ck off f*ck off f*ck off-"

"Get out!" Daichi said forcefully.

You heard a loud slap and turned. Tadashi was on the ground in front of a fuming Kei.

You felt your blood go cold and stepped towards him, before Asahi grabbed you.

"Y/N, Don't," he said gently. Kei looked up and smirked at you.

"Sorry," he chided. "I hit the wrong thing."

That was when everything cracked.

"NO! FIFTEEN YEARS AGO YOUR MOTHER GAVE BIRTH TO THE WRONG THING!" You shouted, ripping yourself away from your boyfriend and backhanding Kei across the face with all your strength.

He fell to the ground and you glared at him.

"I have done NOTHING but give you love!" You shout. "I have been kind, and supportive, and I've ALWAYS been there for you and you have done NOTHING but hate me and treat me like shit. I've done NOTHING to you, and you hate me because I'm not a blood relative!"

He stared at you, his face already starting to bruise. He started to stand up and you bunched him hard in the nose. There was a loud crack and you both cried out.

"Stay the F*CK away from me and my friends!" You stepped closer. "This team has been more of a family to me then you ever have been."

He took one look at the group around you and left, probably to go fix his nose.

Asahi took a hesitant step towards you.


You turned, and he gently took your hand, making you wince, both at the sight and the pain.

Your knuckles were bleeding, and moving your index finger sent knives through your entire hand.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Tadashi asked, walking over. His face was already turning red.

Tears threatened to fall, but they were more from the pain in your hand than your brother.

"Does anyone have some ice?" You ask. Your voice sounded dull and hollow as you held your hand to your chest. "And something to stop the bleeding?"

Daichi and Suga ran to grab the first aid kit, while the rest of the club stood in shocked silence. Slowly, you hugged Asahi with one arm, relaxing slightly when his arms wrapped around you.

"Can I stay at your place tonight?" You whisper. "I don't want to see him again."

"Yeah," he answered gently. "Yeah, you can."

Do we want a part two?

Or no?

Hope you enjoyed!

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