| • seventeen • |

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JUNE 2012

As I made myself busy with my college assignments, reports and trivial seminars. Nothing did afford me to make some time with my classic gang for weeks. But yet they had times in catching up. 

'Jay, it's been a long day since we met. Come on bruh, as per we know, you ain't a goody-two-shoes kid. Get the damn stuff done later and get your butt tonight at Cafe,' Alan ordered as we were about to disperse for the next class since we gathered a short while at cafeteria of our college, where Stella was busy with her phone next to Noah while Stephan glued his eye-sight on Stella and where I was trying to find excuses. 

'Sorry dude. I really couldn't. But I can assure you I would surely make my presence up on this Sunday,' I tried hard to explain while Stella prompted 'Let him free Alan. He's some work it seems. Let us go and make an other plan on Sunday,'

She continued 'By the way, Emma wanted to meet us. She was asking for an introduction since we became close. But as we guys haven't got time to catch up. I invited her to visit at cafe tomorrow as per our plans. Does anyone mind?'

Emma? Whose she?

At the mean time distinct interruption made among us. 

'Who's Emma?' I spit my thoughts out.

'No objection among us if any decisions are made by you,' Stephan assured her without even asking while Noah nodded in acceptance in his words.

'Oh, she's my new roommate who became damn close with me. I had hung out a plenty of times with her,' Stell replied, turning towards me.

'Guys, it's time to go. I've my class right now. Catch y'all up later,'  I muttered and everyone announced the same I did as they all had classes to attend which made us disperse. 

After days passed, the only thing I got to acknowledge is that we never work as per our plans. We gathered at Stephan's home to binge-watch the most captivating series the 13 reasons why

'Hey, this series sucks. And, I don't wanna waste my time in watching a stupid series of Katherine Langford,' Stella protested and later realized that none gave a damn to answer her back.

'Come on, bruh. Switch off the Netflix ASAP,' An hour went by and I could really sense my stomach producing some sound which barely could indicate I'm really starving and as so did everyone. We honorably gave the cheif position to our Stepha, as was said to the guest of his home.

'Oh, Steph. Wait, lemme help you,' Stella stood by her single leg and tagged along with him. 

'Al, haven't you got Emma's num yesterday at the cafe?' Noah raised his eyebrows while fishing out his phone from the trash.

'Nope, why would I?' Alan shrugged his shoulders. 'Only you were the person who spent more time with her yesterday. You guys were busy taking snaps that you didn't give a damn about,'

'Hey, if you want her num, you must be the person to ask her ain't me,' Alan laughed at him while Noah managed to shrug it off while I stood dumbfounded about that unknown girl. 

'Woah.. Woah.. Wait, bud. Couldn't yourselves make any sense that you've been talking about her since all day. Who the hell is she?' I raised my eyebrow in surrender of arms.

'Dude, you'd definitely like her in no question. She's such a good person and well approachable,' 

'So, she has got my friend's back?' I raised in annoyance. 'Stop the trivial argument. Lemme get some water,' Noah scoffed and made his way near the kitchen to find himself shocked by witnessing an incident in the kitchen.

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