| • thirty-two • |

12 6 0


28 DEC 2019

Well, does anyone believes in miracles? I had no faith in it until this day decided to arrive in my gloomy life. My life made its way to reveal into a fantasy fairy tale from my deadly gloomy phase and here it goes... 
The caller I received before, I even blurted out my words as I thought it was Sienna, was it actually Emma? Oh shit, James. 

"Hmm.. I'm sorry that I bothered you, I.. Uh.. I just had a false anticipation.. That.. Uh.. You still have feelin... It's fine, bye."

Wait, look who says this, actually what's going on? Am I drifting off or is this even reality? 

I made her hold on before she could disconnect. Still my hands rested onto my door knob which absolutely decided to not open the door since I'm preparing myself ready for my reciprocations. 

'No, yeah.. H-Hang on,' However I make myself prepare words don't cope up with me more specificky with her.

'I'm really sorry, I just didn't mean to interrupt your life. I-I just got your num, so that I could.. Uh..' I was quite happy that she too had her words stammer as I did. 

Yeah, she's still the same. Wait, how did she get my number? 'Hmm..So how are you doin'?' She added totally a different converse as she had her stammer, I could feel the same husky voice which I always wished to hear. 'Yea... Good.. Okay. What 'bout ya?'

'Hmm, good,' huh? Good? Without me?  I just blab with my mind that I no hardly had any clue of getting myself surprised. 

'But, not without you, I need to talk to you, James. I'm done with my grieves all night. I can't do this shit any longer. I need you in my life. Can we catch up?' 

Well am I really in reality? I stood like a dumb manikin still holding the doorknob wondering if she could read my mind.

'Ahem.. Uh.. Well, I'm here in Australia and you are miles away in the U.S, Could we?" I uttered with an indistinct tone but solemnly with a distinct mind that one day we catch up and persist the way we were.  


Who the hell wants to make a second call when I'm in my miracle phase of life. It was just the one who I guessed would certainly call me back. Oh shit, Sienna. What should I do now? I was so certain to not disconnect my call. I'm sure not to give up any luck I hardly receive. But this time, it just refused to offer. 

'James, my mom's near, I've gotta go, call you later, bye,' She swiftly disconnected the call without leaving me any sign of it to set my mind in while Sienna's second call managed to stop. 

I let a great sigh out in relief after years. OMG!! JAMES, YOU DID IT!! Things really happened? Really real? Or actually real? Oh god stop blabbering. I finally called her. Oh wait, she called me. Hmm now should I step ahead? Will she call me back or should I call her? Absolutely I must do it. But how did she get my number? From whom did she?

After few very moments which I hardly managed to unbolt the door since after resting my hands for half an hour and bolting it back as I made my ways to flump back to my bed while excitement made their ways in reaching out my eyes to mouth and throughout my body, as I gently decided to close my eyelids, retina made its way to form her figure and I drifted off to the relieving words she uttered in one of our moment. 

'Emma, you were the light over my dark, each word I claimed from you is soak in depth like the ink stained over the next page

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'Emma, you were the light over my dark, each word I claimed from you is soak in depth like the ink stained over the next page. I wanna live the rest of my life with you…'

Before I could add any sentence  she completed by dropping a kiss over my forehead. Sitting above my laps, her arms around my shoulder, with a loose ponytail over her back and a slight makeup on her face. She was gorgeous. 

She rested herself onto me whereas I leaned to the ledge of my window, soak into the gentle kiss of her while I peeped the beautiful nature of earth through the curtains of the transparent window. 

She took off her lips from my forehead and whispered 'I love you,' I insisted  'I love you too,' On that windy night, we shared our kisses and warmth within us in the front of a camp fire aside my garden. 

I was hypnotized by her words untill the phone buzzed. Again, back to reality. 


Oh hell, what's her problem now? It sucks when Sienna constantly calls me just to get on my nerves so I abruptly made my hands to swipe up the call to yell at her. But then a part of me thumped, what if this call surprises you with Emma? 

So I instantly rolled my eyes to check the caller name and this time it was Sienna. Yeah, I should have been aware that luck lends me only rarely. So I have no other choice than to swipe up her call. 

'Jay, what are you doin'? What takes you so long to bring your project, huh?' This time I understood that I'm the one who's getting on her nerves. But I was so desperate to share the surprises which I happened to encounter. 

'Hey Sienna, guess what? She called me,' I blurted out of excitement and a part of me did to change the topic.

'Doesn't the person has a name?' I know she was still on her temper. 

'Emma,' I was sure that I would have certainly said Sienna about her and the next few minutes drastically changed her fury voice into an enthusiastic one.

'Woah, really, what on this earth possessed for this act to occur?' She was in my crew when it came to the topic, I lost her. 

'Jay, you don't have to worry now. I'm happy if things are gonna change, you keep trying to reach out to her and get back to the way you guys were, just go for her, bruh,' She encouraged me to pursue the right path but how could this happen?

'Sienna, she's in the U.S, how could you assure me to go and get her, how's this possible?'

'Everything is possible in love if you put your own potential in. You'd been having really hard days all these times, so never let your hopes down now, it's your time to show off your potential, just go man,' Her words were true, she did her part to reach out through call and I must certainly do my part in reality by reaching her out. 

But Jay, you really psych? There is no possibility of getting boarded to the US. But what could you do now? I was much perplexed to move my next step ahead. I have no choice left rather than texting and contacting her, that I'd gladly do.    

A/N : Hey there, press the lil star over there if you like this chapter, I hope you do

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A/N : Hey there, press the lil star over there if you like this chapter, I hope you do. Thank you! 



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