| • twenty-five • |

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'Mind for an explanation about the hell happening here?' She suppressed her yelling voice while putting a fake smile onto her face with folding her arms and still leaning onto the doorframe.

Have you all seen the faces with 'O' shaped mouth and eyes widened preparing themselves to admit or finding excuses to get rid of shits at movies? Well, my moment was like that and I was confused in choosing the path at first. But as I know at all times, my girl is smarter a multiple times than me. 

'Mrs. Lewis, nice to meet you. Well, we were just about to tell you and whatever, we're sorry for what you've seen here,' She genuinely gave her apology look which managed to manipulate my mom's anger. Wherever I be, it is so common for relationships in Canada. But, still my mom finds me as a child in either way and I decided to not oppose it. 

'Mrs.Lewis, I know we shouldn't have been started this way to approach you. We know that it really creates a bad impression on us for this act, but trust me, we are doing this relationship with all our heart. We trust each other, build our loyalty, being there for each other and pouring love perpetually. Trust me, this relationship isn't as the thing which everyone does, we like to pursue this for our rest of the lives and we need your acceptance for whatever we do,' 

Her explanation surprised my mom and so did the extreme me. It's just been days since I confessed and we have been in a relationship. Besides, we have not hung out multiple times but I could realize she is more into me. Amidst everything, the thing that happened now could really not stand by me even if I was responsible to speak at that moment, I definitely would not have did like the way she did. 

'Sweetheart, you're impressive. Come over someday,' Finally these words from mom made me feel loved for her and we happily made our ways to reach her dorm, of course our hands entwined and she leaned her head on my shoulder and the other hand wrapped my biceps and I placed a kiss onto her head as we walk in. 

Finally we reached her dorm and found Stella sat on her bed with applying moisturizer on her face. The moment we got in our hands disentwined and made their ways to drop a hug to the girl applying moisturizer. 

Why are girls like this? 

She screamed at her about the incident happened in my home without leaving any pause for Stella to react while my only job was to stare at her massive beauty, the way she speaks while her hand waves in air and manages to pull few strands which keep disturbing on her face beyond the helix and after it's done tries to regain her hair just to fiddle, her widening eyes whenever she uses a expression of surprise and the motion of her light shade of pink resided below her nose and finally those eyes.... 

No words could be made up to describe how they were each time while I'm lost when I fix my gaze on them. 

'Why do you've to be such a tomboy when it comes to dressing up?' Stella's voice pulled me back to the dorm

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'Why do you've to be such a tomboy when it comes to dressing up?' Stella's voice pulled me back to the dorm. However she is, my girl is damn beautiful as always.

I wished I could have told this but hesitation took over the place and a few moments later I made myself back home after waving my hands with Stell and a gaze of bidding goodbye with my girl. 

Days made their ways to rose and nights made them descend and the mentioned day came forth with adding some blush over my face and I went to her dorm wearing a black blazers and ripped faded denim pants with a bouquet of fascinating flowers to pick her up with my Ford figo car.

I asked her to wait outside before I reach so we wouldn't spare our time. But as always, when do the girls be punctual? I was waiting for her for a few minutes as she resisted to pick up my call. 

Hey, there she is. She made her leisurely way towards my direction dressed in a plain tortilla tropical top with a modest clutch hanging up on her shoulder by a long sling and always as with her mesmerizing makeup on, her dark sephora red lip gloss included.

She bared a click-clack noise made by her pointed heels as always. Never had I ever resisted to spit those words whenever I see her?

'Beautiful!!' I whispered out of less concern about my surrounding. 

She clutched the car handle and entered with a vow of silence, leaving me wondering, is anything wrong around? Why is she up to utter silence? 

'Ahem.. Emma.. Are you okay?' I communicated when after I somehow managed to groan my throat.

'Jay, I gotta know that I literally put less mascara on after I left the elevator,' She shrugged with a frown. 

Sometimes we must remember that we must not indicate any signs of humor when the situation is solely for girls, specifically when it comes to our girl. I managed to pretend my chuckles for her lunatic reason behind her distraught.

'Well, you look gorgeous even without your makeup on,' Sometimes we even have to put ourselves in the risk of lying to get someone better--may be just a quiet lie. Finally, we took off our car and drove to my home. 

I abruptly tapped the doorbell unconsciously and hours went by only staring her like an idiot while she was busy in self-introducing to my dad as we sat for our supper.

I really didn't know what all the topics they went through but I can certainly mention you how all parts of her body made their own direction. Her hands are fiddling with those amber hair, eyes rolling from my dad to mom and back to the resided place, her dark shade of red lips gently opens and closes and so on..

And my parents finally came to the declaration of not objecting to our relationship which made me immense satisfaction as we made our way back to her dorm and she made her ways in describing the whole scenario which took place at my home to her not-keeping-secrets roommate.

On the other hand I was grasping into the question, will our relationship last as I wanted it to? Will I always be with her?

But never did I know that things that happen around always never stays perpetual. 


Drifted back in reality. 

A/N : Yo, there! Thanks for sticking up!

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A/N : Yo, there! Thanks for sticking up!


Can't take my eyes off this guy :(

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Can't take my eyes off this guy :(

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