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That was a tiring day as the only thing I did was to attend several classes in a day straight from 9 a.m - 10 a.m, 12 p.m - 1 p.m, 2 p.m - 3 p.m and that stupid lecturer added me an extra special class for an hour. After finishing my first session of class I had a small nap between 10 a.m - 11 a.m. I know, absolutely 1 hour of sleep is considered to be a nap.

Then I made my ways to washroom and freshened up. Resided to the next session, which resulted in me only drifting my presence in 'living the moment with her'. 

She made the foot work against the floor gently in the way that she wouldn't hurt it. As her foot stepped onto the floor one by one, I could feel my heartbeat pound more and more. She fixed her eyesight on mine and my only job was to discover her eyes which consisted of beauty and danger of its own, hiding the immense sorrow which portrayed the glimmering of happiness at all times.

As the proximity kept increasing my heart managed to skip a beat. I held my hands around her waist while she held onto my shoulder as her eyes met my lips and mine on hers, we moved forward and forward and about to….

'Dude, what's the reason behind the reconstruction of this technique?' This hit me hard to shove myself back from the dream land I had been in the past few minutes. It was Ben Bailey who interrupted me in the middle of my 'living-with-her-presence'.

First off, I never wanted to talk to him and the second off, why the hell is he seated in the senior class. Besides, I really didn't get a word what the hell he spoke off. Possibly it would be about the random lecture you had, James. My mind claimed, when I sat in the position of my palm being the pillar for my face. 

As I finally acknowledged, the session got over. I grabbed my backpack and made my ways off to the Corner's Diner. After residing on the cozy table and having my hamburger with the drooling mouth.

I made my ways in reaching my college for the rest of my sessions after when I'm done with all my Sessions for today I finally made my way in reaching my home with holding more relief as per the day went horribly. 

I headed home and flumped back to bed just to receive the doorbell ding. It didn't give me anytime to settle myself for any scanty seconds. I leisurely unbolted and widened the door just to meet with the kid. Oh, now what does this lil Mr.Lodge want from me? 

'Hey man, my dad wants you to come over to our home for tonight's dinner,' He rushed as if he's the Jerry version chased by me, the Tom version. But one thing favourable was I don't have to make any stuff tonight, I sighed.

The Lodges greeted as if I'm the guest they never received and we made ourselves ready for the diner after chit-chatting for an hour. I bounced back to the couch next to Mr. Lodge after finishing our supper only to find my tears dripping from my eyes in very few moments.

 Lodge after finishing our supper only to find my tears dripping from my eyes in very few moments

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