| Epilogue |

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Never have I ever thought of this dreadful incident to occur in my life. I was totally like, WHY ME? what did I do wrong? What did I do. It's complete bullshit! What the hell did I do? Why me??????

10:36 a.m

Sometimes, whatever efforts we put on, life leads the way it wants it to. As I slowly made my efforts in opening my eyes, It took me time to register how my surrounding was resided more than I did.

With my head soaked in blood I tilted it all around as I even could not assume if I'm sitting or lying. Bruises all over my body, paralized legs, weighing unbearable pain throughout my body, to be specific I wasn't lying in the place where I visualized the last through my eyes.

All over the place was smokey and damaged, quite fired up. I was completely smothered by the smoky area. Besides, suffocating in immense pain, forcibly recognizing things around. I witnessed lots of people dead, the place was soaked in blood. I was way out of my control.

Amidst all of this, guilt completely took over me to admit the fact that I completely lost her now. I could nowhere find her till any of my destinated eyesight.

She was just near me about to bind our hands in the way I could get her back once at last. It took a few seconds to change the reality. I could no longer express the way I feel in words while my eyes performed in erupting the heavy tears it held.

Though by body was quite paralized nonetheless I could sense being helped by two strangers to get into the ambulance with having me onto their folding blue stretcher holded by them at the brim of it while I was still trying my best in communication to the hardly strangers I ever known.

'Emmmma.... Emm-mma, have you seen her...' They both decided to not response as they were multitasking in carrying myself and some other stuff.

My heart skipped a beat as my eyes widened in a specific spot on my way.

'STOP!' I yelled at them while they stood dumbfounded. I spotted a red scarf lying upon a limbless body. I tried my best to console myself to not count on my ever insisting mind at least for now.

A part of me was saying that the reality proves false on what I'm currently assuming on. It would not be her. But, I never knew that reality would fail to manage.


That's it all it took me to yell my heart out. I weeped intensely, loudly and deeply with no hopes to survive. I was dead. I never expected this end for us. It took me a minute to realised she was not breathing.


Nothing could have happened more than this. Nothing I could take in more than this. This is utter bullshit and I wish it could be a total lie.

Emma, yours massive blue eyes which always has something to converse and make me fall for you each time has nothing left to say now except
'everything over now? '

Each seconds of your non-dilating eyes are now making their ways to raise a arrow right through my chest. I'm almost near to encounter my death for each counting second that I'm witnessing your eyes now.

Your watery eyes are now only making responses in a way that could kill my already dead soul, Emma. Besides, no one could understand a thing about it. I could see the ring clutched in your index which I got for you years ago, this implies that somehow you find me in you.

I still fixed my gaze on those hard blue eyes which once had the glimmering one with the hue of its very own blue embodying both the danger and beauty of it very own.

It was not one shade of blue, it was multiple shades interwoven for the only purpose to completely captivate my soul, and now, I dropped a compressed kiss onto her forehead with my stiffened body just to indicate.

I'm aware that nothing saves us from death atleast my live for you and yours for mine should save us from our desperate life---sorry from my desperate life. If it was to wait till my destiny I would've completely do that.

I can bet my entire goddamn life that it's totally impossible to get over you since I'm lost in within you!!!

----  THE END  ----


A/N : Omg we've reached the epilogue

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A/N : Omg we've reached the epilogue. Well, I'm sad about the end. But life doesn't has perfect ending, right? Besides, don't skip the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. 



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