| • thirty-four • |

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Emma's POV: 

28 DEC 2019

My feet instantly gained velocity as they worked themselves against the floor to shift the place since my ruthless mom made her presence to reach out my room, I abruptly disconnected the call by saying,

 'James, my mom's near, I've gotta go, call you later, bye,' As the last words uttered. I decided to leave my home and head to a nearby garden, because this is where I come whenever I have a blasting of worries that I surely couldn't express with my arrogant mom. 

It was easy to suppress all my mental ache by sitting in the garden as the shivers caused by the frosty wind of California reached throughout my body. I know I took so long to get his number, my entire life is shit. 

I reassured myself as I shoved my phone from the pocket to check in if I really called him and this is reality. Yeah, it was and I have no idea how content I'm right now.

I could really feel how perplexed James was. He had no idea if I would make a call, it's all because I still have feelings and I really could not move on. As I glued my gaze on the dim faded engrossing sky just to blurt out the way I feel now. 

'I'm sure how my life is mentioned to end and I'm really clueless why I called him now, either. Just to make him anticipate way more than the reality? No, I've to reach him some way or the other. Because I love him so much, that words fail to express. I need him,'

I said no one in particular but me as I wiped my cheeks in a frustrated relief as a tiny drop managed to trickle right from my eye. My next entire phase wholly changed after the one call which managed to arise. 

'Em, did you call him?' The voice from the caller queried me if I had done it in a proper way

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'Em, did you call him?' The voice from the caller queried me if I had done it in a proper way.

'Yea Bailey, I called him, uh..but, I've no clue if he hasn't moved on and still have feelings for me,' Yeah, it was all by William Bailey to get my man's number and contact him. I could really thank Bailey for a zillion times that I really would not for anyone in this green land. William just called me the next moment as he seemed to be met with James in Australia

I was way more surprised than the actual surprise when he uttered those to me and my next move was to declare my definite call to him when I got time.

'Emma, stay with your hopes he certainly will have feelings for you. I've seen him never giving up on you each time when you guys were together at college,' He made me believe and held my back. I was hopeless about the way to get back together until the unbelievable idea he gave.

'Em, what about boarding on to Australia? You're welcome to my home,'

"Will, what on this earth helps me to get there. I've no liberty to do as per my wish, you know my life is complete trash and I really don't know which sin of mine possessed to earn me a mom like a bitch. It's all 'cause of her. If she weren't…'

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