| • twenty-nine • |

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JUN 2018

When it comes to the term accomplishments. The phase of believing the unbelievable fact of entering the last year of college more specifically when it comes as so not possible for a human like me.

But, somehow I entered the last year without doubts. So, absolutely it's a partying time for us, right? As per our plan we all decided to muster at Noah's home to get ourselves cozy at a bonfire.

There's no doubt of my girl's presence over there, absolutely she will come and this time I thought of trying something new as I saw a ton of romantic movies all heroes somehow buys a present for their girl and I know I had never attempted any of it.

So I made my efforts in reaching out to a book store and buying a romantic novel as per my knowledge I was quite sure she loves reading books as I do and a romantic novel is out of the question. So I confidently bought it. It ends with us.

I shall give this the moment I see her.

It was a cold day and I wore my leather jacket with a thick black T-shirt tucked in my tawny ripped jeans with my boots on and I combed my always messy hair with my fingers as I made my ways to head his home before my phone buzzed.

'Hey, Have you got time to arrive here fast? Stell is goin' with Steph. And I can't gotta be alone on the journey. So could you pick me up?' The husky voice from the other side of the call happened to raise.

How could I ever say no to my girl?

'You don't have to ask, I'll surely be arrived,' I assured her before I disconnected the call and the tires of my bullet made its way to reach her dorm. As I made myself arrive at time besides the fact I had hardly made myself punctual.

I stood half-sitted on my bullet hoping she would come downstairs as I called her to acknowledge my presence. But will any lady be punctual at the mentioned time? More specifically, will she?

I waited dumbfounded for approximately a quarter of minutes. So finally I decided to not waste any more of my time as I climbed up the deserted staircase skipping off each step to reach her as soon as possible and got the doorknob to open.

She was dressed in a cozy black fencing jacket with a grey skinny thick jeans and a pair of high boots. Her untied hair blew in the air which felt like she was so near me. She stood facing against the giant mirror putting her mascara on and abruptly she stopped as she moved her eyesight to meet mine just staring at how she is.

'Hey..' She stammered her words as she was scared at me standing into her dorm without letting any possibilities to acknowledge her.

'Why do you sneak into my dorm without letting me aware? I was scared, Jay,'

Woah, how could she look so cute when it comes to being even scared?

I wondered while raising my wrist towards her to let her aware of the time as it was way late than the mentioned one. We rushed ourselves downstairs. To be honest I clutched her wrist and dragged her down in a way of holding a flower while crushing and uncomforting.

As per my memory I totally forgot to hand my gift as her glimmering blue eyes took over me. Okay, I shall give it during the bonfire.

Still I counted my memory power. We were on our way as I could sense her beautiful wavy amber hair was in the air flying off so hard and she curled me with her arms on my waist and laid her head on my back as my stomach made its way to tingle so hard. With those tingles and the entry of butterflies we left for the bonfire.

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