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WHAT IF          

I just flumped back to the bed wondering how it feels so gross to hear that two people are back together on this earth where I am finding myself dumbfounded in attempting no improvement in finding back her.

I had made all my attempts fail in calling her umpteen times and made all the inquiries that I could with my old friends which concluded 'they don't know a shit about her'.

It still feels disgusted way more to be framed  like a sobber, annoyer, unapproachable guy to everyone around which I wasn't for the past. My life changed the way it wants to lead, leaving my desire aside. I want to insist her that I'm stumped just where she left me. 

You left her bullshit.

If I get any lifetime once golden opportunity I would make my annoying conscience to stop voicing rather than preferring to get her. It's just that getting too much on my nerves. I was intensely thinking about how to get back with her.

James, keep lurking into you gives nothing rather than argument and misunderstanding,  say what you've to, only if it's done, you can expect for a change the way you want to, just like Lucas's life..

All of a sudden the voice inside me raised with a positive hope. I know that is an odd miracles. All at once I had a thought of.

What if we're both in the state of hiding feelings within each other? What if we both pretend as if we care less? What if she did the same as I do? What if she still has feelings for me? 

I know my mind insisted way more than the reality. It happens much hardly. But our mind never leaves us to anticipate in just one way. Since, simultaneously at the other side.

What if she hates you more than you hate William? What if she has moved on? What if she has a boyfriend? What if she has forgotten you?

All these distraught thoughts thumped my mind and grasped me in the worst dilemma, besides I know you're wondering who William is, well I don't wanna spare time in describing him, I'll let you guys know later. As I was bewildered to make a path. 

'James, hardly our minds are the real enemies at times, where it tricks us to pursue the right path, if you fall into the trap. To be honest, then you're a great loser, '

My mom's captivating words persisted my mind.

Even, when at being a self-restricted man---- having a less limitations of friends, pursuing the life the way it wants to and made myself extreme in it at my masters due to the unexplainable past made me loose myself each days that passed and I am here suffering to tell all the shits I carry on to express with someone----someone I loved, loved with all my heart.

I would never resist my mom's opinion. To be honest, I just wait for my mom's judgement.

And I shifted myself past just by fixing my gaze onto the blank screen of the television, an oblique position on the bed and my lips made their way to be descended in a curve of expressing helplessness and my mind dropped me back to family times. 

A/N : Yo, there! Thanx for resuming

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A/N : Yo, there! Thanx for resuming.  Don't forget the lil star over there ;)

*what is his past?*
*will he find his love back?*



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