| • twenty-seven • |

11 7 0


AUG 2017

'Lemme take you to a place,' I whispered to the girl who stood across me mesmerizing each time when I looked into her blue eyes, an olive hood with, you need to calm down caption with a black ripped skinny jeans with Nike shoes and coolers on.

She was excited about my statement and her lips curved to deposit a smile. We made our way near my royal Enfield bullet 350 and she grasped my shoulder to get on while I was getting those electrical shocks throughout my body. After the quarter minutes trip we reached the place which I've decided.

'I've been asking this since we started driving. At least answer me now. Where are we going,'  She muttered in the tone of excitement and exhausted from the repetition as well. 

As we reached the destination. I managed to close her beautiful eyes with my palms and opened it when after the scenario was beautifully resided. 

The place was in the hue of various green with the centre of giant stunning waterfalls which manages to give a great splash whenever it dashed to any rock it finds and the sun being the ultimate source of seeking admiration lurked behind the shade of red and orange sky with the spongy clouds aside.

I, being beside her, decided to choose my girl's beauty rather than the scenario. Her eyesight swiftly distracted towards the side of butterfly which was constantly flying around her.

'How's it?' I muttered in her husky voice without shifting my eyesight from her.

'It's beautiful' She let out a great sigh with fixing her sight on the massive nature and her mouth widened. 

'It's the place I've been to only with my mom, only with the person I love,' She blushed with amusement about the reason I spoke out. She couldn't make up any words to utter as she leisurely laid her head above my shoulder by her arms curled in my biceps and my cheek touched her head as we sat on the mud leaning against a rock.

We were simply making ourself sigh out by admiring the beautiness in right front of us. I made my head held high to just get the glimpse of those glimmering blue eyes. 

To my surprise she did the same as so did I and our gaze froze for minutes without uttering any sort of word. Her hand entwined with mine as our elbows decided to touch each other and fixed our gaze in minutes as the proximity between us decided to increase.

I shifted my eyesight to her fresh light shade of pink lips and so did she. Her lips were the delicate sort of thing that I could ever ask for when mine crashed into her. As always the tickling sensation immensely took over my body. 

But this time, I could sense that she too had some reaction when I'm near her. Finally, after all struggles we had our moment and this time a great source of electricity made my entire body feel numb. 

'I promise you, whatever the circumstances I'm in, I'll always come after you,' I trusted her more than she did. As the sky made its way to darken more than it was. We decided to head back home, still our fingers entwined. But, to be honest, I never want to let myself go off this place. 

I shoved the key from my pocket and handed her a helmet. She swiftly sat on the bullet after me and put her arms on my shoulder without any hesitation. But, I really can't control my feelings more specifically resisting those butterflies in when life surprises me every minute, though. 

She wrapped my waist with arms as soon as I let the ignition on and I exhaled a deep sigh and made the tire of my bullet work against the smooth cement road. We reached her dorm and I made my hands to let a wave of bidding goodbye but then she requested me to come in.

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