{quick update + poll}

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hi hello! ive returned!

not sure how many people will read this since i magically disappeared lol but anyway! first of all i wanted to express my sincere gratefulness to everyone that has read, commented, voted, shared and generally enjoyed this story. it's been a while, hasn't it? last time i checked this story it had 200k reads, now it has.... ONE MILLON? WTF? imagine my reaction when i logged back into my dusty forgotten wattpad account :(

second matter at hand. i re-read the story in a self critical point of view and i'm fixing all the grammar errors plus the number of the chapters (can you tell i'm bad at math? although not sure if roman numerals are considered math.... anyway) so it can be in perfect shape for new readers who find this story! again, thank you to everyone pointing out the errors i'm so embarrassed oh my gosh.

LASTLY! without knowing, this has turned into a bible, i apologize. but yeah, lastly! i read some of the comments and i have one question and one thing i'd like to make clear. when i first wrote this story i was 17 i believe? and yet to be comfortable reading/writing explicit sex scenes, so that's why it missed some sort of action. however.... a lot has happened since i wrote this story! i graduated both high school AND college! isn't this crazy! well, that was the thing i wanted to make clear. i'm unsure if i'll ever write what happened during the war chapter between them, but if i do i'll let you all know!

okay okay now i'll get out of your hair.

like i mentioned before, i read the comments. i always do, to know the feedback and everyone's thoughts, and i noticed some comments saying it'd be nice to publish some bonus chapters with little unseen scenes i wrote of draco and anastasia that didn't make the final cut in the chapters, i took the liberty to write pre-numb (second, third and fourth year draco and anastasia, the yule ball, etc.) scenes. i leave it all to you! to be honest i'm probably going to end up writing them lol i'm bored and i sort of miss this story...

with that being said! love you all!

ps. i go by she/they now. just i thought i'd let yall know!

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