xl. an announcement

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        Anastasia chuckled quietly as she and Ron tossed boxes between each other; with a bright smile adorning her features and her hair styled in an extremely messy attempt of bun, she offered her help at the shop that morning. The brunette climbed one of the several set of stairs to organize one of the infinite rows of shelves all over the big shop and Ron followed her steps to hand her each package to organize the shelf.

          "I'm telling you, Annie, ever since you came, Hermione totally forgot I exist." The girl knew it was a joke, but part of her couldn't stop feeling guilty. "But it's okay because Harry and I can spend time together as mates."

          "I'm glad to hear that your girlfriend ignoring you is an opportunity to spend time with your best friend." The girl mocked him as she fixed her wand in her bun to not let her hair fall down.

          "Although, I think Harry wants to propose to Ginny." Ron commented quietly as he handed more boxes to the girl, who instantly gasped and let go of the boxes. "Ouch!" The ginger yelled as soon as the packages collided with his head.

          "Bloody hell! Harry wants to marry Ginny!" Anastasia smiled, leaning her body on the small stairs she was standing on. Her emerald eyes traveled from the ginger to her friend talking with some customers in the first floor. "When did he tell you this?"

          "Yesterday." He whispered. "But you can't tell anyone, Annie." Ron raised an eyebrow.

      "Of course I won't tell anyone, Ronald." She rolled her eyes as she finished putting the last packages in the shelf.

"Annie, can you please finish putting these quills in the table?" George said as he walked to them. "And you, help me with the love potions packages." He nodded his head to Ron, who exhaled deeply and followed the tall ginger to the back of the shop.

"Why are you giving Annie less work?" She heard Ron argue and the girl chuckled lightly as she climbed down the stairway with her free hand.

The brunette smiled as she started to do what she was asked to do and ignored the bell of the entrance ringing, all because her mind couldn't stop bringing up certain blonde boy even though she did everything she could to shake those thoughts out of her head. Every once in a while she'd catch herself thinking again of him, and she'd had to force herself to think about anything else like Teddy, or what Ron said about Harry and Ginny.

"Merlin's beard." She whispered as she clumsily continued to get her hand inside the books of the quills, only to find out there weren't any inside. "George! Are these the only quills?" Anastasia asked as she turned to face the back of the shop.

"Harry has more!" George answered with a stressful exclamation, the girl wondered what they were doing there.

"Alright." She nodded shortly and turned around to climb down the several set of stairs to get to the first floor with Harry.

With a sigh, she carefully walked down the stairs as she tried to recognize the additional voices that were talking to Harry. They sounded very secretive and suspicious with those low whispers and hurried sentences, she wondered if they were Aurors looking for information.

"Harry, where are the other—" She found herself choking with her own words as her emerald eyes met a pair of gray ones. The girl felt her hands trembling lightly as she hardened her grip around the box in her arms.

Anastasia felt her mouth opening, but unlike other times, words betrayed her. The only thing she could do was stare at those magnificent eyes that expressed anger and confusion towards her. She jumped the last two steps of the stairs and took little but meaningful steps toward him, but Draco backed away almost simultaneously.

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