ix. quidditch

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Anastasia couldn't sleep the previous night; she had stayed up reading books about how they could possibly fix the cabinet in less time possible. The task started to become way too stressful for her as she tried to divide her time between doing homework, help Draco, hang out with Harry and now the quidditch practices.

A nostalgic smile crept into her lips as the memory of his brother begging her to join the team took over her vision, the times they had stayed up practicing without their parents catching them. Quidditch was their thing.

"Anastasia, we are going for breakfast." Pansy interrupted her thoughts as she searched for her equipment. "Are you coming?" She questioned.

"I'll be there in a minute." She mumbled, taking out her green sweater from her trunk.

It started to get cold outside, it was because Christmas was just behind the corner. In a different situation, Anastasia would be happy to see the holidays coming faster, but this year she had no desire to even celebrate it with the students staying in Hogwarts.

Shaking her head to delete those thoughts from her mind, she walked out of the girls' dormitory not before bumping into someone who was surprisingly walking her way.

"I just wanted to wish you good luck." Draco quickly babbled, causing her to smile at his nervousness. "On today's match."

"Thank you." She nodded, cringing when she felt the uncomfortable silence take over the room. "Are you going?" A hint of hope rolled out of her lips and Draco wanted to smile, but he just shook his head.

"I'm going to you know where." He whispered when a few third years walked past them with their green posters to support their house on the match.

"Oh." That was the only thing Anastasia could say. "Well, I will meet you there after the match." She waved at him and exited the common room.

As she walked past some of her housemates, they waved and told her she would be amazing. Anastasia didn't know if it was because of the rumours or because they actually meant it, but in the past no one seemed to care about the chaser who casually happened to be William Rosier's little sister, although most of their wins were because of her.

In silence, she entered the Great Hall in an attempt to find her newly made friends. A soft smile appeared in her face when Harry raised his arm to call her over the Gryffindor table.

"Good morning." She said as soon as she took a seat in the table. Some Gryffindors looked at her with surprise, but she didn't care.

"Good morning, Annie." Hermione left her copy of The Daily Prophet aside to focus on her friends.

"I heard Ron will be playing as Keeper." She said, taking an apple from the basket.

"Yes, he is really good." Harry looked at his friends.

The three of them turned to look at an ashamed Ron walking inside the Great Hall, gaining a few laughs from Slytherins but words of courage from the other house members. Finally, he stumbled to the Gryffindor table and seated next to Anastasia, who looked at him with her crossed arms over the table and a small smirk in her lips.

"So, how was it?" He asked at the trio looking at them with worried eyes.

"How was what?" Hermione looked between Harry and Ron with a questioning look.

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