iv. katie bell

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         Anastasia wrapped the green scarf around her neck to warmth her as she walked through the deep, white snow of Hogsmeade. It was the first trip to Hogsmeade of the term and the trio asked her to join them in the Three Broomsticks. Anastasia thought it was a good excuse to escape from Malfoy, school and the evil task she had to perform to make the Dark Lord proud.

          "Anastasia, here!" Hermione waved from a table close to the fireplace. The brunette smiled and slowly walked to them.

          "Hello." She said, sitting in an empty chair next to Hermione. "How are you?"

          "I'd like to leave." Ron sternly said, looking behind Anastasia's shoulder.

          "I beg your pardon?" She frowned, not expecting his answer. Was it because of her?

          "Don't listen to him. He's just uncomfortable with Ginny having a boyfriend." All Anastasia could do was nod.

          "That happens to be my sister." Ron argued, leaning closer. Harry and Anastasia looked at each other with confusion.

          "So?" Hermione snapped back, frowning. "What if Ginny looked over here and saw you snogging me, would you expect her to get up and leave?" The other three teenagers looked at her with bewilderment. Especially Ron, who couldn't believe those worlds had slipped out of her lips.

          Anastasia then was lost in her thoughts as a butter beer was placed in front of her. She held it in her hands and gave it a sip, completely ignoring Slughorn walking their way because Harry had waved at him.

          "Wonderful to see you, sir." Harry smiled, already standing up to hold his hand. "What brings you here?" He politely asked, Anastasia couldn't stop thinking he had something in hands.

          "The Three Broomsticks and I go way back, further than I'd care to admit," he chirped, looking at the group with a smile. "I usually throw together the occasional supper party, would you like to come?" He looked at Harry with a smile.

          "I'd consider it an honor, sir," Harry said, and Anastasia was cautiously looking at him in search of some answers at what he was planning.

          "What about you, Miss Granger?" Slughorn turned to look at the girl.

          "I'd be delighted, sir." Hermione smiled at him.

          "Splendid." Right when she thought he was about to leave, he turned to see the brunette next to him. "And you, Miss Rosier?" He smiled. Anastasia was completely confused as to why he would ask her to join, but she smiled.

          "I'd love to, sir." She grinned, looking up at the old man.

          "Look for my owl!" And with that, he was far from them.

          "What are you playing at?" Ron questioned with crossed arms and low voice. It was like he had read Anastasia's mind.

          "Dumbledore asked me to get to know him. I don't know why, but it must be important, because if it wasn't, Dumbledore wouldn't ask." Anastasia looked at the boy with a small frown, suddenly her suspicious were answered.

          From the back of the room, she spotted Draco walking out the bathroom with a serious expression and looking every side in order to see if someone saw him. He looked suspicious and Harry noticed too.

          Anastasia was asked to join them in the road back to Hogwarts, and she like the polite person she is couldn't refuse to the question. So there she was, walking next to Harry lost in her thoughts but at the same time trying her best to listen to their conversation.

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