xlvi. i'm sorry

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          Anastasia walked into the locker room with big steps and a clear frown in her features, she exhaled deeply as she cleaned the sweat from her forehead with her forearm and opened her locker angrily. As she hurriedly took off her gloves, she heard her teammates chuckling as they walked in as well, their laughter faded off as they stared at the girl standing in front of her locker in silence. The girl tried to ignore the whispers echoing in the room as she combed her hair with shaky hands and styled it in a messy bun, a few strands of hair fell in front of her eyes and she blew them away from her eyesight.

          "Hey, death eater." She closed her eyes with anger as she heard her teammate talking to her. "Still sad because your leader is dead?"

          "She killed her brother to take off the sadness!" Another one exclaimed jokily. The brunette stared down at her bad in silence. "What? Did You-Know-Who eat your tongue?"

          The girl pressed her lips together as she pretended to ignore their nasty words towards her, and began to take off her gloves and arm equipment to put it inside her duffel bag. After a long silence from the girl, her teammates decided to drop the mean comments and continued doing their own things, but not without making sarcastic remarks about her some times.

          When she noticed they were ready to leave, she turned her head to the side to check she was alone, only to be shoved away and hitting the locker with her shoulder. She grunted under her teeth as she sent them a death glare that made the color drain off their faces, the girl smirked and they turned around quickly to leave the room. The death glare always worked to scared them away, but they always came back to taunt her the next day.

          "Is this my revenge, brother?" She muttered, angrily throwing her arm equipment inside her bag.

          She hurriedly closed her duffel bag and pulled it out of the closet before slamming the door shut. Her emerald eyes caught the glimpse of her uncovered forearm and the dark mark saluted her like it did every time she woke up, like reminding her about the bitter agony it made her go through in the past.

          As an instinct, her hand hovered over the mark and soon she felt her nails scratching it quickly and painfully, it made her groan as she walked out of the locker room and towards the exit of the pitch. She walked aimlessly around the street, watching the muggles doing their daily routines and using their strange muggle technology, she made her way to the entrance for Diagon Alley in silence.

Her fingers hurriedly scratched her forearm with strength and dug her nails over her skin, she wanted to erase it from her body, and if she could, from her mind too. She lowered her head at the sight of the stares following her with every step she took, it felt painfully scary to be there. The brunette stumbled in the uneven street in search of the bright and colorful shop. The uneasy feeling spread to every inch of her body and her emerald eyes began to feel heavy, weak and itchy. Her throat tightened as she watched people jumping away from her as she moved through the busy alley.

          A smile spread onto her features as she spotted the big shop a few steps ahead of her, she forced her feet to work to get her rapidly to the shop and find something to drink, she suddenly felt thirsty and in serious need of something to stop her headache. The girl fixed her duffel bag around her torso and walked into the shop with hurry, her emerald eyes scanned the place for something to drink, something to stop the dizziness.

          "Hey, Annie—Bloody hell!" Ron jumped the last step of the stairs but let of the boxes in his arms fall at the sight before him. "What happened to you?"

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