[BONUS] i. first kiss

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winter, 1994.

The halls were crammed with students, for a Friday afternoon it was quite a sight, everybody running around, whispering and giggling while preparing for another out of Hogwarts trip. The common rooms were no different, groups of friends preparing and making plans for Hogsmeade while the ones staying behind waited for the tranquility of an empty and quiet common rooms.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" A delicate voice, laced with honey, spoke quietly. Draco almost changed his mind. "I still have time to forge your dad's signature." He half-smiled.

"I have lots of stuff to do. I'm far behind." Anastasia walked closer to the desk, the flames of the chimney illuminated part of Draco's face. "You lot will have more fun without me anyway."

The teenager rolled her eyes playfully. "If that's what you say." She grabbed her purse and crossed it across her body, she searched for his eyes. "Are you okay?"

No, he wanted to say. Stay with me, his heart begged him to say. "Yeah, just stressed with all this homework. Off you go, Zabini must be waiting for you." He said bitterly, Anastasia rolled her eyes, this time with annoyance.

"He can wait a bit." She sat down, her eyes fixated on the parchment laid in front of him. "It's not like we're both thrilled to go." This time, Draco searched for her eyes.

"But it's your first date." He mumbled, "You must be at least a bit excited."

"Well," She sighed, looking away. "A bit, it's just... it's just not the first date I expected." This time, their eyes finally met. Draco opened his mouth, trying to speak but was instantly interrupted.

"Snape is waiting for all of the students down in the courtyard." Pansy said, her short hair hidden under a black beanie. Anastasia looked back at Draco, hoping, longing for a reaction from him. He simply stayed silent. "Didn't you hear? It's time to go, Rosier!"

"I'll leave you to it." Anastasia mumbled, standing up from her spot. Draco nodded and fully turned to his parchment.

The girl walked away with a strange empty spot in her chest, she met Pansy's eyes and rolled her eyes as the short haired girl glared at her. In silence they both walked out of the dungeons and made their way to meet the rest of the Slytherin students at the courtyard.

"I see Miss Rosier finally decided to show up." Snape said, eyeing the girl with indifference. Anastasia gulped. "Your permission form." She handed it without meeting the man's eyes, she would be lying if she said she didn't find Professor Snape a bit intimidating. "Good. You're off, then."

The students cheered, Anastasia included, and made their way out the courtyard towards Hogsmeade just outside the school grounds. An arm linked with Anastasia's, making her immediately jump, soon she was met with Blaise Zabini's characteristic smirk.

"Ready for the best date of your life, Rosie?"

"Please don't call me that." She sighed, fixing her scarf that looked a bit too longe to be hers. "Now, listen to me. I'm here as a favor to my mum, don't ever think that I'm slightly attracted to you. Understood?"

Zabini had no other choice than to nod. "Understood."

"Good. Let's go, then." She smiled, unlinking her arm from his and walking a few steps ahead of the boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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